Chapter 103

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December 25th, 2019

"Where is he?!" Cato growled, slamming his fists on the counter. "He's never done anything like this before, it's almost four,"

The front door opened and everyone jumped up to look but it was only Xander, who shook his head as he tossed his car keys down. "I searched most of the town, there was no sign of him. Alan's still walking around yelling for him," Xander stormed upstairs as Cato sighed.

"I'm going to kill that kid," he muttered. He grabbed his own keys and slammed the front door shut as he left.

"He's still not answering his phone," Cayden said with a yawn.

"And our friends haven't seen him either," Calvin added.

I glanced down at Eli, who was asleep in my lap. "You two should try to sleep, I'll stay up and wait," They immediately began to argue with me. "I know you're all going to be up early tomorrow and it does you no good to stay up and stress,"

Calvin rolled his eyes but Cayden yawned again and smiled sheepishly. "Fine, but promise you'll wake us up with any updates,"

"I promise,"

They nodded in satisfaction and disappeared upstairs after wishing me goodnight.

Eli moaned, his eyes cracking open as he coughed. "I don't feel good," he mumbled, his words slurring together. He must've caught whatever bug I'd gotten last week.

I stood up and pulled him up with me. "Eli, come on," His eyes were mostly shut and he sleepily stumbled forward, leaning on me for support. "Santa merda, why do you have to be so tall?" I grumbled. He was nearly crushing me. I guided him to the stairs as he coughed some more, his face flushed. "Eli, come on, work with me," I encouraged.

I eventually managed to help him up to his room, which was already somehow messy again, though Javi had his fair share of things on the floor. I helped him into his bed, pulling the covers up and trying not to disturb him too much.

I quietly left and closed his door, heading downstairs to find Alan stomping snow off his shoes in the foyer.

He smiled at me, running a hand through his damp hair.

"Any sign of him?" I asked.

He shook his head. "No, nothing," he answered, his voice hoarse. "You're still up?"

"It's a little hard to sleep right now. And I've been taking care of the boys all night,"

Alan nodded glumly. "Typical. He just had to get into a fight on Christmas Eve,"

And then it hit me: Colton was Emilio, and if anyone knew where Emilio was, it would be his brother. "I think I know how to find him," I blurted, grabbing my coat, slipping on my shoes and swiping my keys from the table by the door.

"Where are you going?" Alan demanded. "You're not even supposed to be driving,"

"To find our brother," I answered, stepping outside into the cold. Alan moved to come with me but I blocked him. "Will you stay and watch the kids?" I asked pleadingly.

He scowled. "They'll be fine,"

I shot him an annoyed look. "Eli's sick and Javi is six years old, I'm not leaving them alone with Cayden and Calvin,"

Alan sighed. "Fine. Just be careful, okay?"

I nodded before heading off down the driveway and plopping down into my car. Legally, I wasn't supposed to be driving, Alan was correct, but desperate times called for desperate measures. And if I called anyone else, there was a very high guarantee Colton wouldn't live to see tomorrow.


It had been nearly thirty minutes after I'd gotten home when a fit of coughing echoed throughout the quiet house, although it sounded more like choked screaming. I raced up the stairs, following the noise to Eli's bedroom. He was crying and thrashing around, his face scrunched up in fear.

"Eli," I said, shaking him. "Wake up,"

He continued to toss and turn. He clearly looked sick and his nightmare wasn't making this any easier for him.

"Eli," I said louder, grabbing his shoulder.

Eli woke up with a gasp, his eyes glassy and red. His chest was heaving and he couldn't seem to get a single breath in.

"Eli," I told him, "Eli, you've got to calm down. Just breathe, okay?"

But he just shook his head wildly, his eyes wide. "I-I c-c-can't!"

I'd seen my brother have panic attacks before, but nothing like this. It hadn't been this bad since Mia's accident. I stared at him, completely unsure of how to help him. But I needed to figure out something. He needed me.

"Eli, take a deep breath with me, ready? Good. Again," He managed to take a decent breath. "That's it, it's okay, I'm here,"

"I s-saw her, Alan! Ben and Mia! I c-can't, can't get it out of my head! He began to hyperventilate again, his entire body shaking with sobs.

I scrambled to get my phone out and dial Mia, silently pleading for her to pick up.

"Hello?" she answered.

I sighed in relief. "Eli just had a nightmare and now he's freaking out. I'm trying to help him but nothing's working," I explained quickly, my voice sounding as exhausted as I felt. "I think he's having a panic attack,"

"Okay, we're almost home. Put me on speaker," Mia instructed.

I did as she said, and her voice filled the room.

"Hey Eli, I'm right here, listen to my voice. Take some deep breaths for me, okay?" She paused. "I want you to put your hand on Alan's chest and find his heartbeat. Try to breathe in time with his pulse. Just breathe, we're right here with you,"

Eli seemed to react better to her voice and shakily reached his arm out.

I guided his hand over my heart, feeling my adrenaline pounding underneath our palms. I tried to breathe steadier too, for Eli's sake.

"Just breathe," I whispered to him supportively, hoping I was actually doing something to help him. "Just breathe,"

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