Chapter 50

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December 2nd, 2019

I awoke the next day, alone and feeling worse than I had before. It had already been a painful night of trying to sleep comfortably with my ribs, but now everything ached twice as bad and I had a horrible migraine in addition.

A knock echoed off the door before it swung open as a new nurse stepped inside. "Good afternoon," the lady greeted. "I'm Jennie - I'll be here while Kayla's off-shift. How are you feeling?" she asked, checking over the monitors and assessing my blood pressure and whatnot.

"Awful," I answered, coughing and wincing from the pain.

Jennie smiled sadly. "Sorry to hear. The morphine has probably left your system but I can bring you some food and some painkillers,"

"Thanks," I eased back down into the pillows as she finished checking over everything. Neither of us spoke any further as she redressed the gauze on my arm before she eventually left.

The door opened minutes later as Javi and Cato came in, brightening once they noticed I was awake.

"There you are," I noted in relief, Javi coming over to give me a gentle hug. "I was worried,"

"I took the kid down for lunch, sorry to scare you," Cato explained, his eyes scanning over me

"Thank you," I told him, incredibly grateful he was taking care of Javi for me.

He nodded curtly before his expression shifted. "Look, I know you just woke up, but Alan, Eli, and the triplets are here, and they're dying to see you," he said. "It's up to you,"

"They can come up, I don't mind,"

"Are you sure?" He raised an eyebrow in concern.

I offered up a tiny smile. "Yes," I answered.

"Okay, but I'm going to make sure Alan apologised for being a dick yesterday,"

"It's alright, Cato," I reassured him. I knew Alan had only been worried about me, and even though he tried hard not to show it, it was almost sort of sweet.

Cato left to go get his brothers while Javi excitedly told me all about his morning. He had apparently gone out and played in the snow in the parking lot with the boys, and had played lots of games.

I was trying my best to smile and chat along, but my morning sickness had grown worse, the tightness in my chest nearly suffocating me. My migraine was making my head throb, and the air was starting to feel colder and colder with each passing second.

"Sorella, what's wrong?" Javi asked, staring up at me with worried blue eyes as I pressed the call button for the nurse.

I forced a tiny smile. "I'll be fine,"

Jennie came hurrying in, scanning me over quickly before securing an oxygen mask around my face and stepping out into the hallway to call for assistance.

Another nurse came in and helped me into a wheelchair, and the two of them worked to secure all of the tubes that came with me.

"Everything's going to be okay," I told Javi comfortingly, smiling softly as I took his hand as we exited the room.


"She said yes," Cato announced, appearing in front of us in the lobby.

I blinked and look up in surprise.

"Really?" the triplets asked in unison, grinning as they said it.

"You owe me twenty bucks," I nudged Eli, who only grumbled in response as we all eagerly stood up.

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