Chapter 55

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December 4th, 2019

Somehow, I ended up feeling worse after Janie and Harry had visited. Don't get me wrong, it felt amazing to see them again, but Harry's words kept echoing around in my brain. Even though we'd spent the rest of the afternoon laughing and talking, I couldn't stop thinking about my brothers. More specifically, how I didn't want them to be.

"Felix just texted me," Cato announced, looking up from his phone. "He's down in the lobby with Neo. Are you good if they come up?"

I nodded eagerly, sitting up in excitement. I hadn't seen or spoken to Neo since the warehouse incident three days ago, and I was really looking forward to seeing him again.

"Don't overdo it," Alan warned, eyeing me uneasily as I winced from the movement.

"I know," I wanted to take Harry's advice, I really did, but I couldn't seem to make myself form the words. I knew I was going to absolutely break them, but they were still my friends, I didn't want to hurt them.

"We'll be back later," Eli promised, standing up with the rest of the boys. He shot me a supportive smile before they all filed out - Javi too, though he was mildly disappointed about not seeing Neo.

I now had only a few minutes to make myself look pretty. I'd never really cared about my appearance before, I'd never needed to. At most, it was covering up marks on my face or drawing my hood up over my head to hide.

I undid the plaits in my hair, combing my fingers through the waves, praying the rest of me didn't look too bad. I was still stuck in a hospital gown, as I didn't really have any other clothes to wear, but I had Cato's sweatshirt on still. He'd let me keep it for the time being, though he promised to try and bring me some actual clothing so I was more comfortable.

"Knock knock," A voice called from the doorway.

I glanced up, smiling brightly. "Hey,"

Neo crossed the room, a warm grin on his face. He was moving slower than usual, but he looked to be okay. His tan skin was a bit paler and he looked tired, and despite his probable stomach pain, it didn't keep him from hugging me.

"How are you feeling?" I asked as he pulled away from the hug and sat on the edge of the bed.

He shrugged. "Mostly okay. Still hurts like hell though," He paused, his eyes studying me in concern. "How are you?"

Neo was the one person I couldn't lie to. "It's been hard," I admitted quietly. "But I'm okay,"

He grabbed my hand supportively. "Are you sure?"

"I don't know," I stared down at my lap, my free hand fiddling with the hem of the blanket.

"I don't blame you," Neo replied, bringing his knees up to his chest. "You've got a lot happening right now,"

I wanted to scoff, but I didn't. "Yeah," I answered instead. "It sucks,"

"Well, you've always got me,"

I glanced up and met his warm brown eyes as he gave me a gentle smile. I squeezed his hand, managing a smile of my own.

"So," Neo started, shifting positions again so he was sitting with his legs crossed, facing me. "About what happened..."

My body froze momentarily, trying to work out which part he was referring to.

"The kiss," he clarified, his cheeks reddening ever so slightly.

"Was it awful?" I asked nervously, suddenly terrified.

He chuckled softly. "Quite the opposite, actually," He was leaning closer, his eyes flickering back and forth between my eyes and my lips.

"I liked it too," I whispered, feeling myself pull towards him, my heart hammering in my chest. But it felt different this time; it felt right. It felt electric and soft and amazing all at once, and before I could even blink, our faces were mere inches away from each other.

"I think we should do it again," His voice was seductively low, and I could feel his breath on my lips.

I barely had time to nod before I crashed my lips on his, my hands in his hair as I pulled him closer. His body moved with mine, his hands sliding down and landing on my waist. Our lips seemed to blend together, sucking the breath out of both of us.

After what felt like minutes, I finally broke away, breathing hard. My eyes met his and I couldn't keep myself from grinning.

"I love you," Neo said softly, his eyes sparkling. He grabbed my hands again. "I really love you, Mia,"

I'd literally never felt happier in my entire life. "I love you too," His smile made my heart melt.

"I want to ask you something," he said suddenly, gazing right at me. "I've wanted to ask you this for weeks,"

I could feel my cheeks heating up, and I was sure they were a rosy red right now. My stomach was fluttering in anticipation, a hot sensation that burned low in my gut, which only made me want to kiss him more.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" Neo asked softly. His hands were fidgeting in mine nervously despite the sparkle in his warm brown eyes.

"Yes," I answered, leaning forward to plant another kiss on his lips. "Of course I will,"

He let out a breathy laugh, kissing my cheek. He laid down beside me, lacing his fingers with mine.

"Your brothers are going to literally kill me," he noted.

"Alan definitely will," I replied, deciding not to get into my feelings about them right now. That was a conversation for another time.

Neo shrugged. "I think I'm more worried about your older brother,"

I had to stifle my laugh. "You mean Cato?"

"Yes," He nudged me indignantly. "He scares me,"

"He scares everybody," I informed Neo with a smile.

He smirked. "Oh yeah?"

"Mmm-hmmm," I answered with a giggle, resting my head on his shoulder as he kissed my forehead again and I don't think I ever wanted him to stop.

We were official now, I was officially in a relationship. As shitty as life seemed to be right now, I had someone to help me through it. Someone who loved me for me, secrets and all. Someone I never wanted to let go of. Ever. Ever ever.

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