Chapter 98

490 30 0

December 24th, 2019


My leg bounced up and down as we drove, the car fairly quiet.

"Will you chill out?" Eli asked from the driver's seat, frustratedly glaring out at the traffic.

"Piss off," I grumbled, drumming my fingers on my knee.

"He's just nervous to ask out his crush," Calvin teased from the backseat, patting my shoulder teasingly.

I swatted him off with a scowl. "I am not!" I snapped.

"Your behaviour says otherwise," Cayden pointed out, his head buried in his sketchbook. "You're breaking some serious sibling code," he said after a few minutes. "Aren't best friends off-limits?"

I frowned indignantly, reaching over and snatching his book, ignoring his immediate cries of protest.

"Eli!" he wailed, clawing at me. "Make him give it back!"

"I'm the oldest here," I stated. "I'm not listening to any of you," I shoved the sketchbook in the glovebox, slamming it shut just to make a show of it.

"You fucking shithead!" Cayden spat bitterly, still lunging at me for his book.

"Cayden!" Eli scolded, glaring at him through the rearview mirror before glancing back at Javi, who was playing checkers with Colton on his phone in the very back. "Language!"

"If Javi repeats that, Mia's going to literally kill you," I told him, looking smug.

Cayden just frowned and folded his arms over his chest with a huff.

We arrived at the building not much later, parking and heading inside. There were already a few guests milling about while Cato, Xander, and several staff members were running around fixing last-minute things. We were early, but there were always those select few who showed up just as early anyway.

At least the place looked nice, as it did every year. There were long banquet tables full of food, flowers everywhere, and heavy velvet curtains and giant chandeliers. Very similar to years past.

"I forgot how boring these are," Calvin grumbled as we headed down the stairs onto the main floor.

"I forgot how much I hate wearing this shit," Colton added grumpily, pulling at his shirt collar with a bitter scowl.

All six of us were dressed up in slacks and crisp shirts. Even Javi looked all nice in his vest and bowtie. He was smiling even though he was half-hiding behind Eli's leg shyly.

"Hey," Xander greeted, coming over to join where we were standing. He glanced over at Cato, who was busy talking with one of his associates, Cierra. Even from here, you could see the soft gaze in his eyes as he looked at her, even though he'd never admit he liked anybody.

"Is Landon here yet?" Eli asked, scanning over the tiny crowd.

"Nah, he's coming within the hour. He just got off work,"

Cayden frowned. "Aren't you guys supposed to be playing tonight?"

Xander shrugged cavalierly. "So the entertainment will be a bit late, sue me,"


Throughout the next half hour, more and more people continuously kept flooding in, busing the room by a tenfold. Neo and most of his family had shown up a few minutes ago, and while several people looked mildly on edge, most didn't make a fuss. And as much as I was itching to go start something up, I knew it would be a death wish to do it. Especially here. And especially by my sister.

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