Chapter 68

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December 13th, 2019

"Calvin!" Cayden grumbled. "Leave some for everyone else!"

I'd made pesto for everyone, and Calvin was already on thirds, despite everyone else barely starting on seconds.

Calvin stuck his tongue out but didn't take any more. "Fine,"

Dinner was winding to an end, and Xander still hadn't come down. He hadn't left his room all day. Part of me knew it was probably because he was busy, but I could help but think that he was avoiding me.

"Let's watch a movie," Eli suggested, standing up to clear his dishes.

Javi was falling asleep at the table, but he picked his head up and nodded in delight.

"No, Javi, it's time for bed," I interjected.

He frowned. "But I'm not tired,"

I gave him a look and he gave in, standing up from his chair and taking my hand as everyone called goodnight to him, and he shyly waved back.

I led him upstairs into his room, helping him dress in his pyjamas, brush his teeth, and climb into bed. His eyes were struggling to stay open but he was insisting on a song.

I sang him a gentle lullaby and he fell asleep within seconds, his gentle breathing filling the air. I quietly slipped outside and closed his door, heading down the hallway.

Soft music was coming from Xander's room, making me pause. His door was slightly ajar, so I crept closer, listening to what he was singing. His voice was so soothing.

I shifted my weight and the floor creaked.

Xander stopped playing immediately, peering through the gap in the door. "Come in, Amelia," he said.

With my heart pounding, I pushed the door open and stepped inside awkwardly. "Sorry," I mumbled. "I didn't mean to interrupt,"

His frown disappeared, revealing a small smile. "You're very polite," he commented.

"I just try to get on people's good sides," I answer, wringing my hands together. I hesitated before saying, "Your song is nice,"

Xander glanced at me in surprise. "You know it?" He looked sceptical. "It's French,"

I nodded. "My sister used to sing it to me when I was little," I smiled softly but caught his eye and quickly straightened.

"You don't have to be scared of me, Amelia. I don't hate you," He obviously had picked up on my discomfort.

I felt my cheeks redden. "You don't?" I whispered meekly.

Xander laughed, and it was the first time I think I'd ever heard him do it. "Of course not," he said. "You're my sister, how could I not like you?"

"The first time you saw me you seemed angry. You hardly visited me in the hospital, and you seem like you're avoiding me, so I just assumed," I trailed off, suddenly feeling as if I shouldn't have said those things.

Xander patted the bed beside him. "Come sit,"

I obeyed, and he hugged me tight, taking me by surprise.

"I never meant to make it seem like I didn't like you," he admitted softly. "You just seemed so scared around us I didn't want to push anything. I wished I'd known so I could've been around,"

I smiled lightly. "I wish I'd known too. I wouldn't have been so intimidated,"

He released me from the hug, grabbing his guitar. "Sing with me," he said.

"What?" I blinked in confusion.

"You said you knew the song, and you have a lovely voice," Xander urged, strumming a chord softly. "I heard you singing to Javi. Come on, it'll be fun," He started anyway, nudging me to join in.

I blushed but joined in. Softly at first, but slightly louder as Xander smiled at me.

"See?" He nudged me again as we finished. "You were great,"

I shrugged shyly. "It was mostly you,"

Xander gave me a look. "All lies," he teased. "You should sing with me more often,"

"Oh, no, that's okay," I tried to decline, but he was grinning.

"At least let me teach you guitar sometime," he pleaded.

I smiled back at him. I had always wanted to learn, and if it meant spending more time with my older brother, I'd definitely do it.

"Okay," I replied. "Deal,"

Xander chuckled, standing and pulling me up with him. "Amelia-" he started.

"You can call me Mia, you know," I reminded him.

He shrugged. "I've always known you as Amelia. That's what your name is,"

I wrinkled my nose. "Yeah, but it's so formal," I complained.

"Nah, you'll always be Amelia to me," Xander pulled me into another hug, his hand resting on the back of my head. He was taller up close and it made me realise how much I actually have to look up to him - all of them, really.

"I'm glad you don't hate me," I whispered.

"Me too,"

I lifted my head, glancing at him pleadingly.

"What?" He gave me a flat look.

"We're watching a movie,"

Xander shook his head playfully, nudging me away. "Yeah yeah, sure," he teased. "The things I do for you," He swiped his phone from his bedside table and we went downstairs together.

"Jeez, what took you so long?" Alan groaned from where he was sprawled on the couch.

"Hello to you too," Xander said indignantly, throwing a pillow at Alan, who was hit square in the face.

Cato raised an eyebrow. "She actually got you to come down?"

Xander shrugged. "Couldn't say no to her," He laid down on top of all three triplets, crushing them completely as they shouted at him.

I laughed softly just watching them, sitting down between Alan and Eli on one of the couches. Eli laid down against me, his head of curly blond hair resting in my lap.

We couldn't really decide on what movie to watch, so we ended up just watching a show they'd been binging together. I didn't mind. It was nice just spending time with all of them nonetheless. 

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