Chapter 85

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December 20th, 2019


The car ride home was silent; Amelia refused to say anything. The trial had ended fairly quickly but she hadn't even seemed acutely aware. I'd been decently surprised she hadn't been happier when Ben had gotten sentenced. And especially after she'd scared the absolute shit out of me when she'd called from the bathroom.

I knew something was definitely up. But despite her means to hide it, I could see right through her lies. The only thing she'd tell me was 'I'm fine,' even though we both knew I didn't believe her.

I pulled into the driveway, parking the car and just sitting for a few minutes waiting for her to notice.

Eventually, she glanced up and saw the house and got out of the car without a word.

I didn't lock her in this time but I quickly followed her out. "Amelia," I called after her. She didn't respond. "Amelia Grace!" She flinched, stopping in her tracks to look at me. She still looked scared - an expression she'd worn since coming out of the bathrooms earlier. She bowed her head a little, which made me immediately conscious of my tone. "I'm not mad," I told her, approaching her slowly. "I just want to talk to you,"

Her eyes were searching mine as she shook her head, taking a step towards the door. She quickly flinched away as I reached for her, opening the door and heading inside.

"Amelia, just talk to me!" I called, chasing after her but she'd already scampered up the stairs and disappeared into her bedroom. I groaned, shrugging out of my coat and shoes. I headed towards the kitchen, pouring myself a glass of bourbon and downing it in one swift gulp.

"Was it that bad?" Xander asked jokingly, looking up from where he was seated at the counter.

"No," I replied. "Today's just been stressful,"

"You mean she's been stressful," A smile tugged on his lips but I saw the worry in his eyes.

I nodded. "She's barely spoken to me all day, and she wouldn't even look at me," I downed another glass. "And something weird happened too, she-"

"Ooh, are we day-drinking?" Colton interrupted eagerly, reaching for my glass.

I slapped his arm away. "Take even one sip and you're dead. We talked about this,"

Colton frowned. "I know I know," he grumbled, plopping down on a stool. "But Xander lets me,"

Xander shoved him off the stool, sending him to the floor with a loud thud. "I do not. You sneak it when I'm not looking,"

"You better not have had any since the other night," I warned him.

Colton only scowled. "I haven't,"

"How is your injury doing, by the way?" Xander asked.

Colton's hand was resting tenderly on his side. "Well now it fucking hurts,"

"Have your sister take a look at it," I advised him. "She'll know if something's wrong,"

"Hey, you're back," Eli walked into the kitchen with Alan, scanning the room for Amelia. "How'd it go?"

"It was fine," I answered, heading to the freezer. I pulled out an ice pack, wrapping it in a paper towel.

"Are you hurt?" Alan was giving me a quizzical glance.

I shook my head. "It's not for me,"

The room fell silent. "Is Mia okay?"

"I don't know yet,"

"Well, what happened?" Alan demanded, his eyes dark with fury.

"Ben got to her," was all I said.

I left the kitchen, heading upstairs to Amelia's room. I knocked softly, waiting for a response.

She opened the door, staring at me with an uneasy expression as I held out the icepack to her.

"Here, for your head. You hit it pretty hard earlier," She took it wordlessly, and I noticed she'd already changed into leggings and a sweatshirt, her pretty curled hair now in two plaits down her shoulders. "Are you okay?" I asked her.

Amelia nodded. "I'm fine," she replied quietly. "Thank you for the ice,"

I smiled. "Yeah, no problem. The boys are waiting for you downstairs, do you want to come down?"

"I think I'm just going to lie down for a while," she answered. "If that's okay?"

I nodded. "Yeah, that's fine. Are you feeling sick again? Do you have another fever?" I reached out to check her forehead but she flinched back, her eyes wide. I instantly retracted my hand.

"Sorry," she mumbled. "I feel fine, just tired. My head hurts,"

I curled my fingers against my palm, resisting the urge to hug her. "Okay," I said finally. "Come down whenever you're ready. And take ibuprofen - they're in your bathroom cabinet,"

She forced a small smile on her face before closing the door.

I went back downstairs after a minute, finding Alan and Colton arguing while Xander was just watching and Eli was attempting to break it up.

"What's going on in here?" I demanded.

"Alan's being a dick," Colton muttered.

Alan shoved him, a scowl on his face. "Am not,"

"Are too!"

"Enough!" I roared, sending them each a glare. "Both of you stop acting like children,"

"Guys!" Cayden hollered from the living room. "Guys! Come here quick!"

Everyone was instantly on alert, racing to where Cayden, Calvin, and Javi were standing in front of the Tv. The news was on, showing clips from outside the courthouse today. FORMER MILLIONAIRE, BENJAMIN ALBRIGHT, SENTENCED TO LIFE IN PRISON WITHOUT PAROLE the headlines read. JUDGE DECIDED ONLY HOURS AFTER STRANGLING DAUGHTER IN THE COURTROOM.

"He strangled her?" Eli asked in a shocked whisper.

"Yeah," I answered sullenly. "Right as she was leaving the testimony box. He lunged up and tackled her to the floor,"

"Is she okay?" Javi's eyes were big as he stared up at me, looking ready to cry.

"She'll be fine," I assured him gently. "She's just a little jumpy, that's all,"

Alan frowned. "Well someone should go talk to her," he argued.

"No, let her be. Give her some space," I instructed them all. "She needs the rest,"

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