Chapter 89

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December 22nd, 2019

I was sitting up in my room, twirling a pen between my fingers as I lied on my bed. We were going holiday shopping today and I no idea what to get everyone. I'd never had to buy presents before and I wanted to do a good job. I was still getting to know each of my brothers, making it harder for me to come up with things that they might like. As much as I hated to say it - and they hated to hear it - we really didn't know each other all that well yet.

I sighed in frustration, putting my head down in defeat.

"Rough morning?" Eli asked with a smile, walking into my bedroom and plopping down on the bed beside me.

"A little," I answered, snatching my notepad away so he couldn't read the list I'd been writing.

He sprawled out, resting his head on my back. "Talk to me," he told me matter-of-factly.

I winced as a dull ache rippled through my ribs. "Eli," I murmured. "That hurts," I shied away from him as he shot up, looking terrified.

"Right, I'm so sorry, I forgot! Are you okay?" His deep brown eyes were studying me wildly, looking for any signs of injury.

"I'm alright," I assured him, sitting up and crisscrossing my legs as I faced him.

"Are you sure?

"Yes, Eli, I promise. Now, what were you saying?"

He didn't look convinced but didn't bring it up again. "I was asking why you were so frustrated," he said.

"I'm not frustrated, I'm just . . . ." I sighed. "I don't know what to get you guys for Christmas," I suddenly felt silly for telling him.

The corners of his lips drew up into a slight grin, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "That's what's bothering you so much?

I frowned. "I'm serious. I feel bad that I don't you guys yet,"

"Mia, you've only been living with us for a week," Eli gave me a rueful expression.

"But I've known you for two months,"

Eli shrugged. "So? Things like this take time - a lot of time, sometimes. There's no reason to push it,"

I sighed. "Well I have a list that needs to be done in two hours," Eli attempted to sneak a look at my notepad which I quickly shoved farther out of his sight.

"Just think of all the times you've ever spent with us and go from there," he suggested. He shifted, lying on his side and propping his head up towards me. "So . . . what do you want for Christmas?"

His question took me by surprise. "Me?"

"Yes, you, silly," Eli said through a chuckle. "I know everyone else doesn't know what to get you either,"

"I wasn't expecting to get anything,"

Eli's eyebrows scrunched together in confusion. "Why wouldn't we get you stuff?"

"I don't know," I answered.

"Christmas in our family is like the number one day of the year - trust me, we go all out. Be prepared to bamboozled with gifts,"

I made a face. "That's really not necessary,"

"Accept it, Mia," Eli said playfully, resting his head in my lap and grinning up at me. "You've automatically been signed up for our Christmas crazy," he informed me. "So I ask again . . . what do you want?"

"I don't know," I repeated.

Eli gave me a doubtful look. "You've never wanted anything for Christmas before?"

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