Chapter 101

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December 24th, 2019

It was nearly three and a half hours later, and I was genuinely surprised at the number of people still here. It was nearing ten thirty, and despite everyone else still partying, I was beginning to tire out.

Neo and I had been dancing and chatting with friends, in between Cato pulling me away again to meet more of his colleagues. And those interactions had been even more awkward than the first. Everyone I'd met pretty much already knew me, and talked about the parents I barely remembered, leaving Cato and me to laugh it off and try to pretend it wasn't uncomfortable.

Janie had just left since she'd promised her parents she'd be home early to celebrate Christmas Eve with her family that was flying in from Europe. She and Alan had spent most of the night together, and though I wished I'd spent a little more time with her, I couldn't be happier for them.

I think most everyone had a good time tonight, even Javi - who'd spend his time playing freeze tag and Simon-Says with the other kids. I'd even seen Felix and Cato talking, and from the way they'd both parted, I think the gang rivalry would be settling down for good.

"Mia!" Neo called, and I spun around to face him. He was with Felix, Vanesa, and Gabriela. Ana and Alicia were both being carried, and they each looked exhausted. "I think we're heading out now," he explained.

I smiled. "Well, I"m glad you came. All of you," I glanced up at the rest of his family. Des and Emilio weren't with them, having probably run off to make trouble somewhere. "It was really nice to see you again,"

"Likewise," Felix said, nodding at me respectively. "I expect we'll see you tomorrow?"

"Yes, we'll be there," I promised.

He flashed me a small smile before he herded the others out, leaving Neo and me alone.

"I'm really glad you came," I repeated as he pulled me into a hug.

He kissed my forehead. "Me too,"

"Text me when you're home safe, okay?" I asked him, gazing up at him worriedly.

Neo only chuckled, stepping apart and squeezing my hand. "I will, I promise. Goodnight, I love you,"

I smiled, waving after him. "I love you too," I spotted Alan by the banquet tables, pouring himself a glass of pop. "Hey," I greeted, going to stand beside him.

"Oh, hi," He glanced up at me in surprise. "What's up?"

I shrugged. "Neo just left, so I thought I'd come hang out with you,"

Alan's lips drew up into a smile. "With your favourite brother?"

"You know I don't pick favourites," I reminded him.

"It's okay," he said with a wink. "We all know it's me anyway,"

I shoved him lightly, making him chuckle as he handed me a drink and led me to one of the empty tables, both of us taking a seat.

"So . . . ." he started. "Are you having fun?"

I nodded. "Yes, actually. I really like it here,"

Alan grinned. "I bet having Neo here helped," he teased.

I crossed my arms and shot him a look. "I could say the same thing about you and Janie,"

His cheeks went red. "Okay, I take it back," he said quickly. "I'm not talking about any of that with you,"

"Not even with your own twin sister? That's mean," I pretended to pout as he nudged me.

"Oh shut up," he said as I stuck my tongue out at him. "Yeah, real mature. But if you must know, thank you," he mumbled.

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