A Day in with Momo

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I am compelled to write some First Person after reading Urasekai Picnic...


Everything is always like this. Always the way of their word. Always the same.

I sighed, looking from the sink to the mirror with a heart that felt like it could break at any moment. They were always the same, no matter how I look at it, they are always the same.

Turning to the side, I grabbed my towel and pats my face from the water I've washed with. I placed the fabric on my shoulder before turning to leave my bathroom. Looks like that was enough for today's morning reflection.

When I opened the door, a smile appeared on my face. The same old smile I give to everyone I make eye contact with, it hurts to do it after frowning so hard at myself but as always, I try my best. That's the least that  I'm good at.

The maid bowed at my presence and spoke, "The car is ready for you outside." I nod, understanding the meaning behind her words. "Is there anything else you would like prepared?"

"Could you fetch me a new sketchbook?"

"Understood. I will have it on your bedside after school, in the mean time, it is time for us to go before Master Yaoyorozu wakes up." I go and make a move to grab my bag only to stop when I saw the familiar strap around the maid's shoulder. I nod as she proceeds to go and open the door for me. "Right this way, young master."

I really hate that title...


My class was... interesting. That was what I thought when I first came here, I knew that it would take a measurable time to adjust in this kind of environment, and adjusting was the only thing I really need to do because now this class was my new ladder.

That probably sounded a little confusing but it's the truth. Every moment, I am required to have some kind of ladder for my heart to hold onto and climb. That is simply what keeps this journey of my life going.

After weeks with this group of people, I feel as though they are my anchor in a storm. And after a few more days with this group of people, I had found out something really interesting.

"Good morning, Jiro." I stop by that one particular desk, wait for her to unplug her jacks off of her phone and look up at me with the same old smile she gave that day.

Jiro turns her whole body to face me, happily giving her attention to me. "Morning, sunshine. You really glow in a morning Fall?"

I felt a small twinge of happiness crackle in my chest, "What do you mean by glowing? Am I manifesting another kind of quirk now?"

She shrugs, "I wouldn't be that surprised. You are Yaomomo after all, anything can happen to you. And besides, even if you manifested 'a hundred' quirks I would still like to take you to dinner." She winks at the end and the heat in my chest starts to rise.

A chuckle escapes me before I notice and my body was quick to respond. I nudged her shoulder, "I can't believe you." She bowed her head, full of pride. "I should've known you would start making puns that minute you knew how to write my name."

"Well at least I won't be as bad as Ashido's."

"I can tell. Yours are much more structured and subtle than hers."


Jiro turns around and smiles sheepishly at Ashido's direction, "Looks like we're busted..."

I pat her shoulders, "Well that looks like a 'you' problem now. Adios amigo."

I can feel the offence from behind, she must be a fuming that I left her alone like that. No worries, she won't stay pouting long. I hope.


Turns out Jiro was one that holds grudges.

"Hey..." I whisper, leaning down to place my chin on the top of her head. If it were a normal day she wouldn't have mind the way I use her head to relax. But now probably wasn't one of those days.

She shakes her head a little causing me to slide to the side and continue to slide down until I had to pull my head away. I glared lightly, "That wasn't necessary."

"So leaving me to Ashido's rant was necessary?"

I flinch, "I see..." Knowing she wouldn't interrupt me while speaking, I placed my head on her shoulder instead and wrap my arms around her waist, "How was it?"

She scoffed and crossed her arms, "What do you mean how was it? It is what it always is. Even teasing me at the end how even my own girlfriend left me to fend her off alone." She turns to her head a little, probably trying to look at me. "Seriously, how mean can you get?"

"I'm sorry for leaving you alone like that. I hope this doesn't affect our little date later?"

Red tinted her cheeks and she looks away in a somewhat sheepish way. Well well well, she was always the one who's more prone to embarrassment due to her belittling. Oh how much I just want to kiss all of that away.

She chuckles and nudges me, "You know I will never leave you hanging, darling." And this little shit also knows very well a few of my buttons that I just can't really do anything.

"Oi. No Homo in the fucking CAFETERIA LINE." Kaminari bemoaned from behind, Bakugo and Kirishima just right by his side. They all look like they've had enough. "And move already! The line has been growing if you haven't noticed."

I pull away and survey around. Oh... that would be my fault.

I nod at Kendo who mouthed, "Hang in there..." while she and Tetsutetsu go to the farther end of the very long line.

"Onward, shawty!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2021 ⏰

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