Special Occasions

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Momo groggily sat up, rubbing the sleep off of her eyes as she did so. 

Her whole body was shivering from the cold and when she opened her eyes, she knew the reason why.

She frowned deeply at the empty space beside her. Kyoka wasn't here.

She sighed and swung both of her feet to the edge and started rubbing her eyes again. A yawn escaped her lips as she stretched out, a few pops were audibly heard.

When she sat up, her whole body shivered again. Her feet meeting the cold and hard floor, with her exposed skin repeatedly getting hit by the cool breeze that they call air conditioning.

Walking to her desk, she knitted her brows seeing a sticky note on top of her most recently read book.

I am cooked and eaten, but was neglected and was stored away while awaiting the rising day.

She almost choked in her own saliva at the written words.

'Who wrote this? It's like they were eating the leftovers from last night while reciting a poem...' she thought.

Grabbing the sticky note and flipping it over, she saw a letter. M. Her eyebrows furrowed deeper, her confusion growing more inside. 

Then her face relaxed, "I-is this supposed to be a riddle?" She asked herself in disbelief. Someone wrote a riddle for her to solve and she already knew who was it, "Oh, Kyoka... what are you up to this time?" She didn't try that hard to hide the amusement in her voice. Her girlfriend was up to something again.

She started her walk to the common area and then to the kitchen quickly opening the fridge. She grinned when she saw another note on top of the container that held last night's leftovers.

She grabbed the container and reached to the cabinet to get a fork. She pulled the container open and started reading the next riddle as she ate.

I have a long and slim body but my hair is on one side of my head. I am used for many things but am mainly used for hygiene

She stared at the paper in shock.

Taking another bite from the leftovers, she giggled with the fork still in her mouth making her giggle be muffled.

"What's gotten you so happy this early in the morning..." Momo looked over her shoulder and saw Todoroki on the fridge looking like he was suppressing a yawn.

She turned towards him and showed him the sticky note.

He drank the milk from the box as he started reading. His brow furrowed and he looked at her in confusion, "What's this supposed to mean?"

"Kyoka." Was all she said before reading the two bold letters written on the back. EE.

"Really? Who knew she could write a riddle." He stood beside her and read the two letters behind the note, "Why are there two Es behind that?"

Momo shrugged and turned to the counter. She laid the notes side by side. MEE.

"What did the first one say?"

She recited the words and Todo choked on his milk. He looked at her like she was crazy only to shrug when she showed him the note.

"What do you think?" He asked.

She sighed, "It's a toothbrush."

He pointed towards the communal showers, "To the showers!"

She rolled her eyes and handed him the leftovers. She ran to the showers, two of the yellow sticky notes in tow.

MomoJirou Oneshots  [Fluff, Angst and Smut]Where stories live. Discover now