Wedding Reception

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This is going to be one of the events that'll probably happen in my future book...


The music boomed through the air around the cliff just outside of UA. It was dark so the stars were spread beautifuly throughout the skies, making the reception feel more comfortable.

Party music was one of Kyoka's pick and so far, Momo hadn't regret to accept. Hearing the kind of bop the beat brings and how it made the atmosphere lighter was amazing for her. Not to mention, how happier Kyoka seemed while interacting with the guests.

Momo smiled to herself when she saw her wife laugh with the others. Kyoka took one glance ger way and stared with a content smile, the two of them just stared before Kyoka made a face maing Momo laugh.

Even when they were apart, she always finds a way to make her laugh and smile...

"Even at this distance, she still manages to make you smile..." a raspy voice entered the conversation. She looked to the direction and smiled warmly at her father standing beside her, a glass of champane in his hand while the other was inside his pocket.

She turned to the dance floor and saw her friends happily dancing like the idiots they were.

She could feel the eyes of her father o  her and she tried to remain calm, she really did, but the fact that they accepted her sexuality, they accepted their relationship. Heck! They accepted their marraige! It still feels weird having her once homophobic parents smiling proudly at her, in this gayest as hell wedding.

She flinched when she felt her father's strong and hard hand on her bare shoulders. She almost yelped, but with years living with the same roof with Kyoka, it taught her not to.

"I'm glad you managed to crack our heads." Her father's voice said with a soft grumble, "This is a very beautiful wedding...." She looked up, her eyes pactically sparkling. Her father stared down the proudness in his eyes never faded, "You look beautiful."

She smiled again, feeling tears welling up her eyes. She place her hand on top of her dad's and held it to her cheek, nuzzling it lovingly murmuring a soft, "Thank you..."

The familiar intro music made her turn back to the dance, her cheeks started heating up when she saw Kyoka seductively walking towards her with each drop of the bass, people surrounding her leaving the dance floor.

She swallowed, already knowing what was happening next. Her body doesn't know how to dance properly in front of so many people, as if they froze whenever she stands up.

She leaned more into her seat when Kyoka was at a close proximity, she gave her father a sheepish grin which he returned with a curious one.

"Kyoka..." she whispered, "You know how I get dancing in front of so mamy people..."

Kyoka grabbed her hand and placed a loving kiss on the back of it. She gave Mo a tiger like look making her cute and hot at the same time, her blush grew deeper feeling steam coming out of her ears.

Kyoka giggled at her reaction. She softly started pulling Momo up her seat, not needing much force because she pulled herself up rapidly, hearing the soft and adorable giggle Kyoka immited.

She leaned down, "I-I–..."

Kyoka placed a finger to her lips, making a shusing motion with her lips, "Shh..." she solidified, "I'll help you..."

She sighed knowing there was no getting out of this. Her expression was a pleading one, "Just make sure I wont stub your toe." She teased despite being so nervous.

Kyoka stared before laughing, pulling the two of them to the dance floor. She narrowed her eyes seducticely, "You know this song. We've danced to this a couple of times..."

Her eyes darted to the guests that had eyes on them and them only, "Not in front of any one...."

"Then it's progress!" She chipped up already starting to back away.

Her mind raced when she felt Kyoka leave. Before she could complain, Kyoka beat her to speaking.

"It's a battlefield, Mo!" She called, swinging her hips to the side gracefully then she stopped at the exact time the music stopped one hand on heart with a sad expression. Kyoka started singing along.

She sighed yet again and waited for her wife to ran up to her, posing her own.

The short musician ran towards her with a pleased expression. When the two of them met, she grew more comfortable and twirled her wife around her hands wrapped on her waist. She blew a hot breath on her ears making the girl blush.

The two of then continued dancing lustfully and gracefully. All of them could see their growing desire with each step, each shake of hips, each twirl and each word.

Momo and Kyoka's mother were clapping supportive and proudly on the side, together with Mina, Hagakure and Mic. Kyoka's dad just watching them with an amused look on his face, just now learning her baby girl could dance, that goes the same to the others in the guests.

Momo's dad however had a unique expression.

Todoroki saw this and excused himself away from his siblings. He stood by his side, silently sipping his own glass of champaign his eyes still on the duo placing fire on the dance floor.

"H-how..?" The father started, "Is that my daughter?"

He smirked, "That's her, alright." He replied dryly, like he was stating obvious facts, and he is.

He placed a hand on his head, rubbing his hair with his finger, "Is she normaly this..."

"Seductive?" He finished, taking another sip from his drink emphasising his point before he nodded, "Yes. Yes she is."

"And that's not even the level of steam the two of them produce daily." Bakugo said, joining in the conversation, nonchantly drinking his glass of bear.

Then when the beat dropped, the two of them spoke in syc,

"You should've heard Momo's moans through the halls of our dorms back then..."

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