Musical Dare

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I was just about to start and record a new song foe the upcomming tour but I think my roommate has other plans.

He yanked me from my recording studio and dragged me down the hotel. We got a few glances on our way but we ignored them. He looked overly excited and happy.

That only means one thing. Torture.

Or simply put it. He must'v thought of another stupid dare. I hope it isn't just like the last time.

He made me shout in the middle of Almight park that I'm gay for an irresistable price. A new electric guitar with a gradiant of balck to purple. So far, I didn't regret it.

He stopped and we were back to Allmight Park. Yup. This is torture.

I pulled my hand away from his grip and glared at him.

He put his hands up, "Hey! C'mon it's worth it!"

I rolled my eyes, "Just like the last one?"

"But you enjoyed the prize didn't you?"

I sighed, there's no saying no to that, "What is it this time?"

He walked away and came back with a white acoustic guitar with death carved behind it's base. I stared at it in awe.

"Like what you see?"

I nodded vigorously. I could feel myslef start to drool over the piece of art.

I was about to grab it before Denki yanked it away, "The dare is for you to flirt with a stranger and get his/her number. Using a song."

I smirked, "Easy!"

I grabbed the guitar and sniffed the smell of new bark. It feels so refreshing.

I looked around, "Oh and I'm gonna record this!"

"Yeah yeah! Just don't mess with my mojo!"

I blushed.

There was a girl sitting on a bench and was shaded by a tree. She had black hair and beautiful onyx eyes. She was reading a book but somewhat ended up looking up and at me.

I swallowed and slowly came near her.

She seemed to giggled and put her book down. My blush went deeper when she smiled at me.

I took a breath and stopped in front of her.

I smirked and put a feet on the bench resting the guitar on my thigh.

She giggled. Oh my gods! My ears have been blessed. She seemed so interested which made her look even more cute.

I strummed some chored then the words just came out.

"Hey pretty stranger~"

Her cheeks glowed a soft pink blush. She's too cute.

I winked at her, "I think you look cute~"

She smiled and giggled brushing a stray hair to her ear. Now that's hot.

"Can I have your number~?"

She relaxed then started blushing.

"I wanna know you~"

She chuckled.

I sheepishly rubbed the back of my neck, "Let me guess. You're friend over there dared you that guitar?"

I chuckled and sat beside her, "Well this thing is a beauty!" I turned to her, "But, not as beautiful as you."

She laughed, "You think I'm beautiful?"

"Hmm..." I thought, "Breathtaking suits better..."

"Taking drastic measures for the guitar I see."

Damn she's hot. And cute. And smart. I blushed, "Maybe, maybe not."

She giggled again, "But in all seriousness. You really look breathtaking. I mean it."

She blushed and I smiled widely and warmly.

"You have a breathtaking voice as well..."

I stood up and sat the guitar on the bench. I gave her wiggly eyebrows.

I bowed sarcastically, "Good morning, Princess." I looked up and took her hand, "My name is Kyoka Jirou." And kissed it.

"No way! You mean the Kyoka Jirou?!" She gasped and made this cute bubbly squeel, "Oh my fluff! I knew you're voice was so familiar!"

I smirked, "A fan?"

"Number one!" That smile on her face is too precious.

She then looked a little excited, "Oh my fluff! I have been a fan ever since I heard your furst song!" She started to count with her fingers, "Heart and Soul. That's why. Too much for me. Depressed. Funny way to say goodbye!"

(Btw those are just some songs I wrote so none of those are actually true)

"I see. And you're name is..?" I hate to break her childish talk but I am curious.

She snapped back to reality and blushed in embarassment, "Oh my appoligies!" She reached a hand out, "Momo Yaoyorozu! Pleasure to meet you."

"Momo. Cute." She blushed.

"Oh my fluff my idol just called me cute..." she whispered and I giggled.

She reached to her pocket and handed me a paper with ten digit numbers, "There's the number. I also want to know you."

I sat back down, "So about the songs..."

MomoJirou Oneshots  [Fluff, Angst and Smut]Where stories live. Discover now