My own True Happiness [TEASER CHAPTER]

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It started as silence. She never knew why it was all quiet but when she heard a rush of wind, she completelly forgot about her own thoughts.

She walked towards the warmth with closed eyes. She didn't know why she closed it, but maybe because when she closed it she could see the faint silhouehette waiting on the end. When the shap registered her eyes snapped open.

Warmth flooded through her veins as she stared back at the figure.

She looks exactly the same the last time she'd seen her.

Red baggy hoodie and hand-ripped jeans. Her short hair complemented her eyes with it's uneveness that was tied in a short ponytail. Short nails. And the most important detail, the red leather bracelet on her left wrist that had a white and black cat as a keychain.

She almost cried at the sight, her heart fluttering and aching at the same time.

The figure's smile grew wider when their eyes met. Sad to Exhausted.

She opened her mouth, but no words came out.

The thing that came out though, was a chocked sob. She fell to her knees as she cried and cried at the figure.

She felt warm hands on her shoulders and she was carried to look up with two fingers.

There was caring sensation behind those dark eyes. Warmth and... her missing piece.

"I'm here..." The figure whispered, her hold on her shoulder grew tighter.

She nuzzled deep in the figure's embrace, too afraid to blink, and if she did, she would be gone again.

"It's alright... everything will be alright..." the figured cooed in her ear. Slowly, she started to calm down.

Her grip on the red hoodie thightened, "I-..." she choked and another batch of tears welled up in her eyes, "I-I... missed you..."

"I missed you too..."

She shook her head, "I don't want you to go..."

The figure shushed, "I know... and I'm sorry, I should've stayed."

"N-no.. it wasn't you..."

"How about it was neither of ours fault, for a compromise?" Her voice was just as soft and gentle as it had been before.

They stayed like that for god knows how long. Just in each others arms, sharing each other's warmth and comfort. She couldn't ask for nothing more, this was her dream. This was what she was working on.

This was what she was looking for.

Her happiness...

Then there was a blinding light.

The two of them looked at the direction and squinted at the brightness.

She looked at the figure's eyes with her own pleading ones. Her hold tight and secure. She wouldn't let her go again.

The girl smiled apologetically, "I'm sorry, Mo..."

"No..." she pleaded, begged, for the girl to stay a little longer, "Please... don't go..."

Her pleads fell on deaf ears to the universe, because the girl was already fading away.

"No!" She yelled, reaching out to the girl but she missed by a long shot, "Please! Stay!" The figure smiled one last time,

Another sob released her mouth. The figure was also sobbing as they partes again. She took the last of her energy and shouted to the emptiness, clutching her aching heart,



High pitched sound blared on her ears.

Her eyes shot wide open.

She felt no air coming in her lungs and she jotted up bed, kicking ber blankets off her feat and landed on the floor with a loud thud.

She quickly got to her feet and ran to the attached bathroom.

She opened the medicine box and grabbed her meds. Popped the cap open and swallowed the pill without any water.

When the bitterness settled in her, she breathed out a breath of relief. Her breathing becoming normal.

Her hand tangled with her loose hair as she catched her breath.

There was a knock on her bathroom door.

"Miss Yaoyorozu?" Rose's voice came from the other side.

Momo sighed, "I-I'm fine!..." she breathed out again, a shaking breath that made more tears fall. She looked at her reflection and stared confusingly at the tears falling freely from her eyes, "I'm fine..." she replied distantly.

The door creaked open and came in the red haired maid.

She looked at Momo, a string of sadness in her eyes.

Acid ran up her insides, she bolted to the toilet and emptied her insides.

Rose brought her a towel and Momo was grateful at the thoughtfulness. The maid walked to the sink and took the brush in her hands before she walked back and started brushing Momo's hair as the girl hurched back the toilet.

Rose sighed, "When are you going to tell them? That it worked."

"Later..." she hoarsly said, "Not now."

"Promise me you'll tell them at dinner." Rose was seriously worried.

She was one of the maids that know of Momo's past and the only one that had grew up with Momo. She knows her inside and out.

Momo nodded weakly, "Yeah... the Todoroki Family are going to be here. I planned to tell them."


She also knows that Momo can't break her promises. No matter how much the girl had tried, she only failed.

For now. They have other problems to dwell with.

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