She kicks

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Walking down the stairs of the Height Alliance. Jirou felt like she had just been hit by a heavy wrecking ball in her sleep by the way she walked with one hand on her side.

A bunch of 'good mornings' greeted her when she reached the bottom but dismissed all of that and went straight for the kitchen.

Seeing Tsu and Denki inside the kitchen, she sent them a nod that she acknowledges their presence.

She groaned reaching one hand up to grasp the refridgerator's handle, only to quickly place it back where it once was trying her best to relieve the sudden pain.

Reaching once again, she failed.

That sent red flags from the other two inside the room. They winced when Jirou grunted and groaned just trying to open the refridgerator door.

Denki walked over and opened the door for her. Smiling weirdly at her as if he thought she was crazy.

Another nod came his way as she reached to the freezer and grabbed the ice tray.

She walked over to where Tsu was drinking her milk, she did another nod before reaching and grunting as she grabbed a clean towel from one of the cabinets.

"You alright, Kyo?" He asked his voice weighing with concern.

Jirou didn't reply back. Instead, she reached for the hem of her shirt and pulled the fabric up, revealing at least five bruises in one side of her body.

They winced at the sight.

"What happened?" Tsu asked, taking a step forward.

She grunted at the contact of cold cloth to her bruises then let out a breath of content and comfort.

She glanced to the doorway of the kitchen and saw a well rested Yaoyorozu walking through.

"Ask her..." Her voice wavered throughout the room, grabbing everyone's attention.

Denki and Tsu turned towards Momo as if she was an alien that had just entered the room.

When Momo turned towards Denki, she furrowed her brow in confusion. Then her gaze drifted towards the purple haired musician that was constantly grunting and sighing with a cloth filled with ice constantly tending the bruises.

Her eyes widen at the sight and she hurridly walked towards her girlfriend.

"Who did this to you?!" She asked frantically, turning Jirou to face her.

Jirou chuckled and smirked at the sight of a worried Momo. She rolled her eyes and continued her tending,

"I got them in my sleep..."

Furrowing her brow even more, clearly showing she was not understanding what was going on.

"What?" Was all that came out.

Her grip on Jirou's shoulders loosen as she stared more into her eyes.

Jirou laughed again, "You." She started, raising one finger and pointing it on Momo's chest, "Kick."

Realising what she ment, Momo's face softened and she stared at her.

"You kick." She repeated, letting the information sink in, "Really hard." She added, the raspiness only providing more evidence that she had not have enough sleep.

Momo's eyes widen, "Oh my fluff! I'm so sorry!" She apolagised, "I-I didn't know!"

Jirou laughed it off and shrugged, "It's alright."

"But you have bruises and it looks like you didn't even had that much sleep, that's not alright, Kyoka."

"Pssh! It's alright really!" She reasoned, her smirk growing wider when she leaned down, "You looked really cute while muttering something between, 'no, my girlfriend is cuter' and 'our wedding cannot be delayed'."

Momo's cheeks burned red.

MomoJirou Oneshots  [Fluff, Angst and Smut]Where stories live. Discover now