Ultima Wolf {Fantasy AU} TEASER CHAPTER

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Alright. I've decided to also put here teaser chapters for future Stories. Hope ya all don't mind.

~ Third Person ~

The huge white doors opened to reveal the palace's throne room with the king and his daughter on their thrones.

The guards entered with chained werewolves.

They pushed each werewolf making them kneel in front of the king and princess. A few of them snarled by the action.

The princess suddenly stood up and glared at her father, "What is this nonsense, Father?!"

Her father waved a hand to his daughter and Momo reluctantly sat back down.

The king leaned in forward and examined each and every werewolves.

He then let out a breath, "What are their crimes?"

One werewolf raged and tried to pull out of the chains as it glared at the king, "Crimes?! Your accusations... Just because of our kind, you dare to say--"

He was cut off with a punch to his face.

The guard glared at the wolf, "Have respect to the king!"

The wolf spit out his blood and glared at the king, "He maybe a king. But he is not and will never be my Alpha!"

The guard punched him again, this time harder knocking the wolf unconscious.

"Father! This is a little too mu--"

He cut her off, "Momo!" The princess shut up, "Their kind is deceiving and can never be trusted! Why are you defending such..." The king thought of his words, "Such waste of space!"

Momo looked down on her dress and clenched the fabric.

The king turned back to the guard and nodded for him to start.

He cleared his throat, "These werewolves were caught stealing bread from the market."

"THEY GAVE THEM TO US!" A she-wolf shouted.

The guard scoffed, "Yeah right! As if some humans will want to help you!"

"5 years in the dungeon." The king said.

The werewolves glared at him, "What the fuck is this madness?!" One shouted.

"Please, your highness I beg you! I have cubs!"

"What's with you're messed up mind?! Why can't you accept that they were helping us?!"

"Have you have no shame?!"


"If you do not follow with these circumstances then you must fight for your freedom." A voice said. The people turned to see the Young Commander walk towards them.

The guards saluted.

The commander faced the wolves with a cold gaze and a monotone face.

"You werewolves only act by the rules under an Alpha." He said, "I challenge each and every one of you in a duel. Whoever wins will decide what your fate will be."

The werewolves grinned and gladly accepted the challenge.

"Commander Todoroki. Are you sure about this?" A guard asked.

Todoroki glared at him, "Are you questioning my decision, private?"

The private flinched, "N-no sir!" He bowed, "Please forgive me!"

Todoroki nodded and walked away, "I'll be waiting in the arena."

~ After the Battle ~

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