2. the move

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~the move~

It was Thursday morning, and you and your mom were rushing to get things ready to go. You'd already put your stuff in the moving truck, the only thing left to do was to get a bag of all your really important stuff and go. You grabbed your phone and walked downstairs.

"You ready to go sweetie?" Your mom asked, looking very stressed out.

"Yeah, I'm ready. And mom, don't worry so much, everything will be fine." You reassured her.

You walked out the door, and took one last look at your house. The house that you'd lived in for all of your life.

"Hurry up (Y/n), we need to get to the house before the moving truck does, we don't want to keep them waiting!"

You quickly rushed over to your moms car and sat in the passengers seat. Your mom said that you could get your own car as soon as you moved, since it would be easier that way. You already had your drivers license, so you were pretty excited to get your own car.


You had been in the car for about a half hour, and this place was maybe about 4 hours away. Your mom had seen the house before, since she took two days off of work to go check it out. According to her it was a really nice house, and you could always count on what your mom said.

Ding! Your phone sang, and you got a text message.

hey wyd rn? we haven't talked in a while so i thought i'd text u

my moms driving us to our new house

u never told me u were moving

i didn't think it'd be all that important

where are u moving to?

the hyōgo prefecture

fr? what hs?


no way


that's the school I go to

You saw his message, and gasped.

"Is everything alright honey?" Your mom asked.

"Yeah everything's fine mom."

So you'd really be going to the same school as suna? well hell, you didn't even know what he looked like. Whatever, you'd cross that bridge when you got to it, you didn't see the point in asking him to send a picture.

You lay down in the backseat, and slept, since the car ride would be pretty long and you didn't feel like just sitting through it.


"(Y/n), wake up!"

You slowly opened your eyes and saw your mom outside the car, motioning for you to get out.

"A-are we here already?"

"Yes! You know you're a deep sleeper!" Your mom laughed. "Come on!"

You yawned and got up out of the car. You looked up and saw an average sized house, that looked about the same size as your old house.

"Grab some boxes from the moving truck, help out a bit." Your mom told you.

You did as she said, and grabbed boxes from the moving truck.

About a half hour later you had gotten all the boxes into the house.

"Did you want to start unpacking now?"


"Okay. Your room is up the stairs to the right."

You grabbed some boxes and moved them to your new room. It looked really empty, but it was about the same size as your old room, except maybe a bit bigger.

As you unpacked your things and arranged your room, you got a text.

Unknown number
hi! my name's atsumu. i'll be showing you around inarizaki on monday!

oh, ok tysm!

huh, I wonder if Suna knows this Atsumu guy.

You went downstairs, and told your mom that you were thinking of going out to look for a coffee place around your new house.

"Alright sweetie! I hope you find one!"

"Thanks mom!" You called, walking out the door.

In reality you were just trying to get used to your new neighbourhood, and if you happened to find a coffee shop along the way then it would just be a bonus. As you walked along the sidewalk, observing the tall buildings and traffic, you spouted a coffee shop on the other side of the street.

Perfect! And it's so close to my house! You crossed the street and walked into the coffee shop. You ordered your usual (coffee order) and then sat down at a table near the middle of the café. At the table beside you, there was a group of about 4 boys, who were all wearing the same jackets.

Maybe they're part of a club or something. You heard the workers call your order, so you got up to grab it. You figured you wanted to drink it while it was still hot, so you sat back down at the table you were sitting at before, and started drinking your coffee. The boys beside you were rather loud, but you didn't mind much. I mean, what did you expect from a group of boys. They seemed nice though, and they were all very attractive.

One had golden yellow hair, flipped to the right side and what seemed to be dyed blonde. His undercut and eyebrows were black, which was most likely an indication of his original hair color. Another had hair that appeared to be dyed grey, and his fringe was flipped to the left side. From the looks of it, him and the dude with the yellow hair were twins. The guy sitting beside the blonde one had a dark-brown clean-cut and thick eyebrows. Beside the grey haired one was a guy with short and light grey hair and black tips at the ends. His fringe was parted in the middle of his forehead, with one clump of hair hanging down in the middle just above his eyes.

You suddenly  realized that you were staring at them, and you quickly looked away. You finished your coffee and got up, walking out the door of the café. As you walked home you wondered if any of them had noticed you staring. Well, if they had, then it would be pretty embarrassing, but it's not like you would see them anytime soon, so it'd be fine.


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