22. pleasured

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{sunas pov}

as soon as (y/n) and I stepped foot on campus, I could tell I was going to get questioned.

"why would you wear that to school?"

"are you okay?"

"what are you wearing?"

questions I didn't want to answer.

the truth is, I feel horrible about cheating on (y/n). so I'm going to do anything and everything I can to make up for it. I would never cheat on her. she said I could have a friend with benefits, but I didn't mean for her feelings to get hurt.

"suna what the fuck are you wearing?!" atsumu laughed.

osamu pulled out his phone, and took a picture of you.

"a maid dress of course!!" (y/n) said happily.

"did you put him up to this?" atsumu asked.

(y/n) nodded and laughed.

I rolled my eyes and walked away from them, leaving them to talk amongst themselves.

as I was walking a group of girls approached me.

"suna!! I love your new look!"

"you look adorable!!"


"thank y-" I started, but I stopped my sentence midway.

no. she didn't.

I felt vibrations soar through me, and I let out a small groan.

"what's wrong?" a girl asked.

"n-nothing-" I said, trying to walk away.

"are you okay? you're walking funny." one of the girls said, the whole group following me.

"im f-fine-"

I sat down on the fountain, trying to control myself.

the bell rang, and the group of girls walked away.


(y/n) walked over to me, and sat down next to me.

"having fun?"

I looked at her weakly. "(y/n)- how am I- supposed to- g-get to c-class~" i whimpered.

"figure it out," she smiled, "i love you." she kissed me slowly, and then got up and left.


she kept walking, and didn't look back.

fuck. I can do this. just..get up.

I slowly got up and started walking slowly to socials.

by the time I got there my legs were slightly shaking.

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