3. inarizaki

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It was Monday morning, and it was your first day at Inarizaki high school. You had gotten ready, and you left your house early just to explore the outside of the school for a bit. The school was about a 5 minute walk away from your house, so it didn't take you very long to get there.

When you got there, you already saw a bunch of students just hanging outside the school and talking with each other. You decided to skip exploring, since you'd probably get to explore during your school tour. You walked to the front door, and while you were walking you noticed that some people were staring at you. You were prepared for this though, since you figured that if you saw a new kid at your school obviously you'd stare at them.

You were waiting at the entrance for about 5 minutes before someone approached you.

"Hi! Are you (Y/n) (L/n)?" The guy asked.

It was the same blonde guy from the café! Did he go to this school?

"Yeah that's me."

"Great! My names Atsumu, in case you forgot, I texted you a few days ago!" He said, with a welcoming smile on his face.

THIS hottie was Atsumu? The one that would be showing you around the school?

"Oh okay."

The same grey haired guy that seemed to be twins with Atsumu ran up to him and slapped him on the back of his head, and ran away.

"Come back here Samu, you'll pay for that!" Atsumu yelled.

All you did was watch as Atsumu chased his twin around the schools fountain.

A few minutes later he gave up in trying to catch him, and walked back over to you.

"I'm so sorry about that. So why don't we get started?" He said.

You walked around the school, and Atsumu showed you a lot of places.

"Sorry, I might need a map or something I don't think I can remember all of this." You laughed nervously.

"Oh yeah! I was assigned to help you so I'll be with you all the time basically. The teachers put you in all my classes, so if you ever need anything just ask! Here at inarizaki we like making sure people feel comfortable and welcomed at our school you know?"

Cool, so you'd be hanging with a hottie for the rest of the year.

"You're a second year too right?"



Soon after that it got silent, and then the tour was over.

"So we have to go to class now, I gave you your locker combination and you'll be sharing your locker with someone else, kinda like a locker partner, but yeah they'll introduce themselves I'm sure." Atsumu smiled, then motioned for you to follow him as you walked to your first class.


Soon enough your morning classes were over, and it was lunch. Before you went to the cafeteria you had to put your books away in your locker. A part of you felt embarrassed to always be escorted around by Atsumu, and you felt stupid, so you told him that you'd meet him at the cafeteria. He agreed, and you walked separate ways.

You got to your locker, and noticed that there was a boy there, putting away his books as well. You were an ambivert, sometimes you could be introverted and sometimes you could be extroverted. At this point you were introverted. All you saw was his back but you were already intimidated by him. You could tell he had really nice style though, and you liked it.

Once you got to your locker the boy had already walked to the cafeteria. You opened the locker and saw that he had given you the top half and gave himself the bottom half. He left a note in the locker, and you picked it up and read it.

"Hi so uh I don't know your name but i know you're a new student so I wanted to make you feel welcomed and I gave you the top half because I'm sure you don't want my stuff mixing in with yours and I didn't think you'd really want the bottom half. Anyways, I hope you have a good first day, and hopefully we can talk in person soon."

-your locker mate

Wow. His penmanship... its so.... good...wtf

You put your books away and walked to where you thought was the cafeteria. You still didn't really know your way around the school, so you were going with your gut feeling. Turns out you were right, and you reached the cafeteria. You walked inside, and there were SO many people. You looked around frantically, trying to find Atsumu in the swarm of people at tables. You couldn't find him.

Just then, someone tapped you on your shoulder. You jumped a little, and turned around.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you!" Atsumu said.

"Oh it's fine, I was getting scared that I wouldn't be able to find you!"

Atsumu walked towards a table and you followed him. He sat down, and you sat next to him. You looked up from the ground, and saw the other three boys that were at the café the other day.

"Hi nice to meet you! My names Aran." The one with the clean cut said.

"I'm Osamu." Atsumus twin said.

"I'm Kita." The white and black haired one said.

"Where's Mr. Stoner?" Atsumu said, laughing.

"Probably with a girl. That guy is such a sex addict." Osamu laughed.

"I can't argue with that." Kita said.

The whole table burst out laughing, except for you and Kita. He seemed to be almost emotionless.

"Who's Mr. Stoner?" You asked them.

They all looked at you, and then Atsumu spoke up.

"He's your locker partner, haven't you met him yet? You went to your locker didn't you?"

So he's the guy with the nice style and penmanship. And he's a sex addict? And a stoner?

"No I haven't met him yet but I've seen him before. Well not his face, but his back." You said nervously.

"Oh I see," Atsumu said. "Well I'm sure you'll meet him by the end of the day. If he doesn't introduce himself I'll beat the shit out of him. And if he tries to take advantage of you-"

You cut him off with a laugh. You don't know why, what he said was just so funny to you.

Everyone looked at each other for a second, and then they started laughing too.

I wonder what this stoner guy looks like....

btw yes I forgot to mention that in this story sunas a stoner/somewhat sex addict 👶

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