10. maddie

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the bell rang, signalling the start of lunch. you and maddie have had the same classes all day, but you tried your best to avoid any sort of contact with her.

when you got to the cafeteria, you saw that the table you usually sit at was empty.

huh, I wonder where everyone else is.

maddie all of a sudden popped up beside you and looked at the table.

"oh is that where you guys sit? fun! let's go!" she walked towards the lunch table and sat down, motioning for you to sit with her.

you didn't want to be rude, so you sit down across from her and took out your lunch.

"the boys had a volleyball meeting." she told you, looking down at her food.

"oh okay."

you ate in silence for a while, but maddie was an extrovert, so as soon as she finished eating she started trying to make conversation with you.

"so how did you become friends with suna and them?"

"oh uh, sunas my locker partner, and atsumu showed me around on my first day here, so I guess that's how we became friends."

"cool! I remember the first day I met suna. he was so mysterious and attractive. so I went up to him and started talking to him and now we're like best friends! he's pretty cold at first but once you really get to know him and he's comfortable around you then he's so sweet and caring."

you awkwardly laughed, not knowing what to say. then you accidentally blurted something out.

"is it true that you and suna are friends with benefits?"

she looked up at you with a blank expression on her face.

you immediately slapped your hand over your mouth and apologized.

"sorry that just came out you don't have to answer it."

"no it's fine! this is how we can get to know each other better! yes, it is true. im his girl bestfriend and he's my boy bestfriend, and we're also friends with benefits. how that happened? uh I guess I knew he was a sex addict so I had sex with him and we both enjoyed it so we agreed to be friends with benefits! we talked more and became closer and now I feel like I'm practically his sister! minus the fact that we have sex of course."

god this girl is pissing me off.

"okay. I didn't really ask for your life story." you said, leaning back in your chair, annoyed.

her facial expression went from happy to somewhat sad.

"oh...sorry. I guess I just haven't had a girl friend in a long time. all of them hate me because I'm close with the boys."

you looked back at her, and felt somewhat sorry for her.

"listen, I'm sorry I got so worked up it's just... I...kind of.... okay ugh I haven't told anyone this even though it may be kind of obvious but I like suna. and hearing about your experiences with him it just makes me jealous."

she stared at you, and then her face lit up.

"oh my gosh you like suna! yay!! I can tell you all about him! what he likes....what he doesn't like... we could totally have a girl talk! I have the perfect idea! let's have a girls night out! except it probably won't be a night out, maybe we'll just spend it at my house or something! c'mon it'll be totally fun!"


"perfect!!! is Saturday okay with you?"

"yeah saturdays fine."

just then the bell rang, and you and maddie got up and walked to your next class.

"hey, so I can talk to you about anything right?"

"yep!! I promise I won't judge."



school ended, and you walked towards your locker with maddie so that you could put your books away. suna was already there, putting his books away and grabbing things from the locker.

he looked over at you guys, then stopped what he was doing.

"hey maddie, hey (y/n)."

"hi!!" maddie said.

you just nodded at him, as if to seem not interested, so that your crush wouldn't be obvious.

he walked over to maddie, and his hands went under her shirt, as he started massaging her breasts.

"you better stop before you get hard." maddie laughed.

he took his hands off of her breasts, and backed away a bit.

"I gotta go to practice, see you later."

he walked towards the gym, leaving you and maddie by yourselves.

maddie watched him walk off, and then snapped back into reality.

"oh my god! I totally just let suna touch my breasts. god I'm such a bad friend, this is why I had none. I knew you liked him! you know what, I'm telling suna that me and him can't be friends with benefits anymore! I cant do that to my only girl friend! you don't have to worry (y/n). I wont try to steal him from you."

you laughed, and thanked her for being so caring and kind about it.

I have so many questions for her.

this chapter was a bit shorter then most of the chapters cause usually I try making the chapters at least over 1k words but this one is about 900 so yeah😩‼️

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