1. The Prophecy

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A/N: There are certain thing that are different in my story than the one in Deathly Hallows.

One includes that Severus, Remus and Fred are alive.

Second, Harry saw his parents in King Cross instead of Dumbledore, I can do a chapter on that too if everyone want that, however I won't be doing that unless it is what you all want because that is not relevant to my story.

Harry's POV

Harry fumed in anger as he walked past the ruins of the very place he once called his home. He wasn't ready to come back to Hogwarts so soon after the battle. Merlin himself could testify that THE BOY WHO LIVED TWICE had much better things to do such as looking for his best friend. But No, the new Headmistress of Hogwarts had to call him so suddenly with her patronous.

Harry kept his head down as he walked across the familiar corridors of the place he had once called home. Now it pained him to even look around the place. He couldn't forget the day when he had seen the corridors and hall of Hogwarts swarmed with death bodies. He hurriedly made his way to the Gargoyle statue that guarded the Headmistress office and provided the password.

"Golden Snitch."

The Gargoyle jumped aside and the stairs started to take him upwards. He knocked on her door once and heard her command to come in. Again, The office brought to many memories back to him. The memories of the man he had considered his mentor for seven years and who had used him like a pawn on hiss chess board. And the memories of another man whom he had hated for seven years and who had spent all this time protecting him. He was happy that at least Severus Snape hadn't died in the battle. He couldn't forgive himself if he had never had a chance to thank and apologize to the man. He pushed the rushing memories to a side of his head and looked at the woman dressed in dark burgundy colored robes. She still looked the same. Black hair tied tightly on her head, her face stern which announced to everyone that this woman was not to be crossed. Infront of her sat Kingsley Shackebolt, the proxy Minister of Magic for the time being. Though Kingsley was a charming person, he was currently wearing his 'I mean business' face.

"Headmistress, Minister." he greeted curtly, not finding himself to be at angry with his professor once he was infront of her. He respected her too much for that and thankful that she had made past the battle.

"You are no longer a student. Mr. Potter." She said as she took out a large roll of paper from her cupboard. "Call me , Minerva."

"Since I am no longer a student as we have just established, call me Harry, Minerva. I believe you haven't called me to discuss what we should call each other. Don't tell me this was the reason?" Harry could hear the irritation in his own voice.

"I understand Harry that you would rather be anywhere but in Hogwarts right now. And you must know, that I gave you a month before I called you to look into this matter. It can't wait any longer. It would mean making the same mistake that Albus did." Harry turned his eyes towards the portrait of previous Headmaster expecting to see the half moon spectacles and twinkle in his eyes but heaved a sigh of relief when saw that the portrait was empty. Post war, everyone seem to realise the many mistakes the old man had made. No doubt that he was a great man and thought well for the people. But his flaw was his tedious way to deal with things. He failed to see people as individuals. However now was not the time for such thoughts.

"I am hearing." He told her.

She spread the scroll of parchment that she had taken earlier and spread it in front of them. It now covered the entire desk. Harry could see that it was a map however he couldn't understand why Minerva was showing it to him. Did she decided now would be a good time to teach him Geography? Or did she wish to banish him, now he had served his purpose and apparently failed to die?

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