14. Husband

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No words were spoken about the strange magical ability of Silvia. Hermione Granger being the smartest witch of her age had gone through all the books in the Black Library as well as Hogwarts library to find out about the ability of Liv. She knew how these gifts worked. Harry had the ability of speaking parseltongue and now Liv had this healing or whatever it might be called. But, not even a single sentence was written in any books about this and it worried her. Remus tried to help her but even he couldn't do much when the books didn't hold anything.

No words were spoken between the godfather - godson duo. Harry and Sirius continued to fight since Sirius was adamant on hating Mike while Harry was adamant to not let of go of him. It was weird seeing how the other of people in Grimmauld Palace and rest of their friends always avoided speaking about their feud. Hermione, Ron and Remus often tried to bring peace in between them but it was really difficult given that Harry won't tell them why they he was so involved with Mike while Sirius refused to tell why he hated Mike. Their little argument stretched on for months.

Very soon, it was another anniversary of the war. Everyone was invited to Hogwarts to pay their respect to the fallen. Hermione was standing in her room looking at herself in mirror. She was dressed in a silver gown that covered her body properly. Initially she had selected a two piece gown for herself. But it displayed all her stretch marks. It wasn't that she hated the marks on her body. No she loved them all. These were because of her baby and she couldn't not like them. She just wished that she had someone to guide her during her pregnancy. 

"Mione , Hurry up." Harry shouted from downstairs.

She pulled her hair up in a messy low bun with some curls hanging loose on her shoulder and fixed it with a comb barrette. She put on a pair of diamond earrings that were shaped like half moons and looked pretty on her.

"Come on. Even I don't take this long." Sirius huffed.

Hermione smiled at their antics. She was glad that both the boys were still in the same room. Lately they had started avoiding each other. Sirius usually stayed late out and returned only after Harry had been to bed. That doesn't mean they didn't care for each other. Both of them kept asking about the other with their respective best friends.

There was a loud bang on her bedroom door as it was thrown open by Sirius Black.

"Mione you... WOW" He looked at her from head to toe. "You look beautiful Hermione." He said once he was done with his staring.

Hermione blushed.

"Thanks Padfoot. Lets go now." She said looking down at her toes unable to look at the Lord of the house.

"Behold Peasants." Sirius yelled as he went downstairs with Hermione linked in his arms. "The most beautiful , Lady Hermione Granger." He said dramatically flashing his hand towards Hermione who couldn't help but giggle.

Hermione looked at Harry who was standing with Liv in his arms. He was wearing a black dress robes. She couldn't help but remember her forth year and the Yule Ball. He had a similar robe at that time. Their lives had been filled with danger before, but after that year things had changed drastically.
"You look very pretty Hermione." Harry said smiling at her.
She took a while to look at the remaining resident of the house. Remus Lupin was still suffering from the effect of the recent full moon. Though Liv had healed the visible wounds but he was exhausted due to the stretching of his bones. However, despite everything, she couldn't help but think that he looked handsome. Sirius and Harry looked handsome too. But Remus stood out to her among all of them. He was wearing a dark brown robe , it was so dark that in even slightly dim lighting it would appear black. He hadn't done anything to his hair but unlike Harry's messy hair and Sirius' perfectly gelled, Remus' silky hair were properly in place apart from a few locks that fell on his head.

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