2. The witch of Barnton

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Harry looked around in the wizarding village of Barnton in Yorkshire. He had received an intel from one of the spies for the ministry that something fishy was going on in the place. The Ministry was informed about the meeting between Greyback and a smuggler named Daviry who was a child smuggler. They had been looking for Greyback for a long while who was rumored to have been creating a small werewolf army for himself. This was what brought harry to Barnton in first place.

Harry sat down in front of a small shop that served several types of drinks. He strategically took a table outside and ordered a butterbeer for himself. Halfway through the Butterbeer Harry saw a red-haired man with a small child in his arms walking in the shadows of the shops as he entered a dark alley. Trusting his Auror guts and before that the boy who lived twice guts, Harry emptied the butterbeer in one gulp and followed the man.

The man walked further into the alley and stopped in front of a wall. Harry looked around and cast a disillusionment charm on himself. He looked around in hope to find Greyback but he wasn't there. He waited for a while and noticed that the child was sleeping probably unconscious. Suddenly the wall moved, Harry was not surprised having seen the wall in the back yard of Leaky Cauldron. A wolfish man appeared in front of it. Harry was revolted to see the man who had bitten Lavender, a close part of the close-knit family of his after Ron proposed to her. He couldn't help but compare him to the man he knew ,Remus Lupin. The two people represented the same part of the society and yet were so different from each other. Remus who was the most caring and lovable human being while Greyback who was neither a man nor a wolf but a stain to both communities.

"Daviry, I see you have yet again succeeded in bringing me another pet." He sneered as he took the boy from his arms and looked at him as he was a food.

"It isn't easy Frenrir. The Aurors have grown suspicious of us."

"Then be careful. We need more soldiers. I believe you have disposed of his parents." He said.

"Don't worry. They think it was a gas explosion caused by the muggle mother. No one knows it was us." He assured.

Harry felt sick. He had been there when they had been informed. He couldn't believe someone would knowingly do that to people. He had thought that defeating Voldemort would be the end of darkness that spread in the wizarding world. But maybe the prophecy was right. Could Greyback be the one it was talking about?

"Well, Well, Well, Who do we have here!" Grey snarled and Harry realized a moment too late that the disillusionment charm had worn off. "If it isn't the savior of the Wizarding world itself."

"You might wish to recognize me as the man who put you behind the bars." Harry taunted him.

With his words a duel started between three of them. The child lying between the wall and street curled in a fetal position as curses after curses were thrown in between the three of them. Harry was a good fighter. He had too much experience in dueling but he wasn't Merlin. He couldn't take two dark wizards in one go.

"You know how I will kill you, Potter. I won't give you what you can come back from. I won't cast the killing curse. I will kill you with my bare hands. Enjoying every minute of it." He goaded.

Harry was too distracted to see a jet of red light hit him but not before he managed to cast his hex that hit Greyback in his chest and he started bleeding from the Sectumsempra. Harry fell on his back hit by the stunner. Daviry stood over his limp body grinning evilly and was about to cast a vicious curse on him when the man fell back. Harry thanked God for whoever had come to help him. He jumped up as the spell was lift from him by his savior. But before he could see who the person was, the woman , as he saw, picked up a file that had fallen near her feet and apparated away. He couldn't see anything but her brown hair.

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