15. Are you Good or bad, Mike?

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For rest of the evening Hermione stayed hidden with Remus by her side. It was very late when she saw a silver stag pouncing infront of her. Realising that Harry must be looking for her, she wiped her face and did a simple freshening charm on herself. 

"Do I look okay?" She asked Remus. She had cried for hours and there was no way she didn't looked a wreck.

"You look pretty as always." Remus replied without realising and his face warmed up.

"Thanks Remus." Hermione said. "I guess I needed that. I have to face everyone now."

"Don't worry I am here with you."

This time when Hermione entered the Great Hall with Remus by her side and his hand on the small of her back giving her his silent support, she wasn't harrassed by the reporters. 

She looked around to see faces looking curiously at her. Their eyes did all tge questioning on their behalf but she was glad no one voiced them. Her friends Harry, Ron, Sirius, Neville, George, Fred, Ginny , Mcgonagall and everyone else were staring at the crowd if people threatening them silently.

Even Malfoy and Severus Snape were glaring at the reporters. And it seemed like his glaring did more help then others. 

Harry left Malfoy who were previously in a conversation and walked towards her.

"You worried me Mione." Harry said pulling her into a hug.

"I am sorry Hermione. I shouldn't have left you all alone." Sirius apologized looking extremely guilty. 

Hermione broke free from Harry and hugged Sirius with her hands around his waist.

"Its all right Padfoot. I am fine now." In return he squeezed her.

After that, it wasn't any trouble. There were some speeches followed by a firework show by the WWW which displayed all the names of the witches and wizards who were lost in the Final Battle. 

As expected the next day the papers were filled with the pictures of Hermione looking like a deer struck in headlight. There were some photos showing ger running away while some of her trying to cover her eyes but they looked more like trying to cover her face. There was another one of her and Harry hugging. If the pictures weren't enough, they were supported by sizzling headlines.


There was another column which asked the readers to write and tell who they thing is the father of Hermione's child.

"This is ridiculous." Remus said taking a seat on the sofa.

"You read it too?" She asked.

"Yes. Unfortunately." 

"So , are you going to write an anonymous letter and tell the Prophet who you think the love of my life is?" She said jokingly. But Remus didn't miss the way she said 'is' and not 'was'. He felt really hurt on hearing that. It was not that difficult to realise that he had started feeling for Hermione. He had started liking her. The incident of the Victory day was another one of their 'Don't speak - Didn't happen' moment. They seemed to have a lot of those moments. Both reacted as if such moments were normal and they had those with all of their friends. But they weren't they were sacred. At least to him. He knew that Hermione would never think that way about him. And if he didn't, she always talked about him in references. But he coyldn't explain it to his fool of heart.

"Mike is coming here." Harry announced during breakfast the next day.

"What?" Sirius said spraying his coffee on his friend.

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