3. Godfather

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"Your wife is only in labor. Surely you do not need to be there for another few hours until after the child is born? My own wife was in labor for sixteen hours with our first child." The Healer told him.

Harry had no intention to correct the man that Hermione wasn't his wife. He didn't care anything about it. His main concern at the moment was for his bestfriend who looked too much in pain.

"It is my intention to be there every step of the way as the child is born, " insisted Harry feeling irritated that he had to explain his personal affairs to someone. He knew that Hermione felt guilty to leave him but right now he felt more guilty to not be there for her when she needed him the most. Though he was a man, Harry too knew that pregnancy was a very sensitive phase for a woman and during this period they needed more care then ever. It would have been a torture to spend these months alone. They all had each other but she was alone. He wouldn't leave her alone.

The Healer gave him a weird look but allowed him to stay in the room while he made arrangements for the birth.

Harry took a chair and sat down beside her bed as he stroked Hermione's head soothingly. God knew, Harry had no experience with a child. For Merlin's sake, he wasn't allowed to be a child ever in his life. How was he to know how to comfort the witch who was so much in pain. He wished Molly or Arthur were there. They had experience. Remus could be there too. He didn't have children. But surely he must have been there during his birth. Besides he was a sensible man and always knew what to do. Even Fred and George being there could help. They would irritate her enough to be distracted. But Harry couldn't do anything. He felt helpless sitting there. Hermione grabbed his hand that rested on her bed beside her. The Healer commanded her to push after several hours of pain. He couldn't tell if it was hours or days but the time seemed too much for him to register. She clutched his hand more tightly; her nails digging into the back of his hand, as a powerful contraction came on. "Ooooh!" she screamed, a trail of tears escaping her shut eyes. She sat up hoping to alleviate some of the pain, though not letting go of Harry's hand. Her breathing was ragged.

"Rub her back. It will help her." The Healer commanded.

Glad to have an opportunity to cause some relief to her. He climbed next to her on bed and adjust the pillows so that he could support her on his chest. He then proceeded to rub her back down, which seemed to calm her breathing a little. It didn't however lessen any of the contractions, which were now less and less apart. At her last contraction, Hermione had jerked her head backward in pain, narrowly missing Harry's jaw.

"The baby's almost coming', "said the healer, "Juliet, I'll need you to push."

As Hermione again pushed, screaming from the pain of her efforts, Harry wrapped his arms around her, allowing her to grasp his hands. Her breathing became even more ragged, and not for the first time, Harry feared he might lose her if her body ultimately was not able to physically handle the birthing of a magical child.

First came the release of the death grip Hermione had on his hand. Then, his exhausted friend fell back heavily against the pillows on the hospital bed. Finally, the small cry of a newborn filled his ears as well as the rest of the room. These were all signs that let Harry know that it was all over.

Harry looked at Hermione. Tired, yes, but Harry could easily see the traces of a smile on her face as he saw realization dawn on her. She also knew that fifteen hours of labor had ended. "My Baby..." she mumbled.

"Shh!" He said as he tucked a strand of hair plastered on her hair due to sweat behind her ear. He planted a soft kiss on her head.

"Congratulations Miss. Regnarg. You have a beautiful daughter."

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