7. Reunion

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Hey everyone , this is just a very simple chapter with not too much drama. But in the long run this will be an important chapter since the events happening in this particular chapter are bound to happen so that the story could excel to its next phase. I hope you all like it all. Pardon the typos and grammatical errors.

Hermione paced in her room as she heard noises in the hall downstairs. She could hear Molly greeting Remus and Sirius while complaining about how thin Harry had become.

Some people never changed. Despite having fought in a war and killing a sadistic bitch of a woman , she was still the warm motherly woman , Hermione had met in her third year for the first time. She had missed the Weasleys a lot, not to mention Ron, her best friend of years. She couldn't bring it in her to face any of them. These past few days having seen how much her absence had hurt Harry, Remus and even Sirius who had just spent three weeks believing in her supposed death, she felt guilty.

There was a knock on her door as a face appeared.

"Everyone has appeared." He said. "Are you sure you all right, Mione?"

Hermione looked up at Sirius who had a worried look on his face. She looked at her daughter who was playing with her toys, floating them around her as they danced.

"Mione?" He asked again. He came in and took her hands in his, "What is it? What's going on inside that beautiful brain of yours."

"They will be angry. I have caused so much pain to everyone by disappearing on them. I can't look at everyone in their faces. And Molly!" She sighed heavily, "she always thought I will marry one of her sons, I can't afford to see disappointment in her and Arthur's face. They are the only parents figure I have left in my life. What if they don't like Liv?" She looked in his eyes, tears brimming in her own.

"You will give yourself grey hair worrying about nothing. First, it is and always will be your decision who you want in your life. Molly or anyone for that matter can hope but it is ultimately your decision , your life and everyone will have to accept it. And as far as anger is concerned , let me tell you a secret, now that you said about it, I think I should have been angry and given you a proper telling for disappearing on us. But when we saw you, we couldn't think anything but happiness to have you back." She chuckled and he looked pleased to have made her smile. "And who can stay angry when you brought such a precious bundle of joy with you. She is special child and everyone will love Silly."

"Sirius seriously?" She said at the nickname.

Sirius gave her an amused look and she realized what she had said, " I mean are you ser... kidding me?" She corrected as he snorted. "You can't call my daughter Silly."

"You named her Silvia." He countered.

"But Silly! As is silly silly." She curled her nose at the name.

He laughed and picked Liv in his arms, "Don't you like your name Silly?"

She giggled as she said, "Paddy." Taking his black locks in her fist and trying to magically transfer it to her head.

"Hey you are stealing my hair." He said dramatically, "Mine." He took it back from her hands but she simply took another fistful of hair and laughed, "My."

"Now Missy it means a war." He said in mock offence and gently pinched her nose and then placed his hands on his own nose. "See you don't have a nose now." He shook his head at her in mock disappointment.

"Paddy No." She said looking for her own nose on her face.

Hermione laughed at the cute scene in front of her. The men in the house each played a different role with Liv. Sirius usually turned into a child himself with her, mock fighting and teasing her. Harry was the best godfather for her daughter, always spoiling her, bringing toys and gifts for her. And Remus was, however much it pained her to say, he was like a father to her. It was usually she, Remus and Sirius at home and while Sirius entertained her often when Hermione cooked and cleaned the place, Remus had taken to taking care of her when Hermione wasn't around. At times she had returned from some chore to feed her daughter to already find her sitting in the baby chair and Remus feeding her. Often, she wondered if she should ask Remus to stop. She didn't want her child to suffer the same heartache that she did. What if Remus finds someone and then marries, a wife and children that he would love more than her. Then, what would happen to her Liv who considered him as her father right now. Many times she wondered what everyone thought about her father, did anyone had suspicions and should she tell everyone the truth but she couldn't bring herself to do it. Like she couldn't bring herself to ask Remus to stop being so fatherly with Liv.

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