17. A tight spot

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A/N : Guys , I know I am shitty person because I am like very irregular with my updates. I also don't edit them or check for any grammatical errors. I know all my flaws. And I am sorry.


"Moon, I love you and our baby. No matter what happens today, I will always love you"

Hermione woke up with beads of sweat on her head. She was dreaming about him again. She could still feel the ghostly touch on her cheeks where his fingertips have grazed
She pulled her night gown over her shorts and baggy t shirt and went to check on Liv
Her little princess was sleeping peacefully. She smiled in her sleep. Maybe she was having a good dream munching chocolates with her Daddy Remus. Liv was too addicted to chocolates and Remus loved this.

"Worried about them?" A voice said behind her.

She didn't turn to see who it was. Even if she hadn't recognised the voice despite living with him for years, they were the only two people in the house apart from Liv.

She nodded her head. Sirius walked away after giving a kiss on Liv's forehead . Hermione quietly followed him.

"I have been reading the Prophet Sirius. Romania isn't a good place to be right now." She said when he handed her warm chocolate milk.

"I understand Mione. But Harry and Remus are big men and they have others with them too."

"I just don't know. Its so close to full moon." It was true. The full moon was just a week away.

"They will be fine. Harry called you after dinner." She nodded at him. She had made them promise that they will call her whenever they time to ensure that they are safe.

"Now Don't worry. Go to sleep." He said. "You have a meeting tomorrow."

In Romania

If someone paid close attention to it, Romania was slowly turning into a very dangerous place. Normal wizarding people were not too attentive to it. They read the news and ignore them. But the Ministry under Minister Kingsley was not too ignorant like its predecessor. Everyday more than one death was reported in the area and each time it was more gruesome than the other. This time, the ministry was informed of a mass murder in a human village and the manner of death was something that wasn't humanly possible.
Harry was walking ahead with Malfoy while Remus walked behind with Neville and Tonks. Harry was behaving weirdly on this trip. He seemed like he was hiding something which was saying something since that boy had been hiding something for a while now. So far , they have stopped once to report themselves to the higher authorities in Romania. From where they got a portkey to the outskirts of the forest where the werewolves had territory.

"Did you say something?" Remus asked all of a sudden breaking the silence which have hung over them for a long while. The only sound so far was the crunching of dried leaves beneath their feet.

"No." Neville said confused and looked around to see if someone else said something.

Harry still hadn't noticed the disturbance and was talking to Malfoy. It was weird to see them getting along so well. Not that they didn't bicker with each other any more. But now , one could tell that it was playful bickering.

"I didn't hear anything." Tonks said looking weirdly at him.

"Okay. Must be my imagination." Remus murmured but he had a feeling that it wasn't just a feeling he had. He was feeling very uncomfortable. His palms were sweaty and he was feeling hot. Like really warm.

"Are you alright Professor Lupin?" Neville asked.

"Neville , I have asked you to call me Remus. I haven't been your professor for more than a decade. And I'm fine." He said hoarsely. His voice was shaking.

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