21. Darkness Within

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Sirius felt a tug on the duvet covering him but he ignored it. He pulled the duvet over his head and fell asleep again. But there was another tug. Irritated, he barked at the source of his disturbance. He had a very crappy day. First, he had seen that demon kid , then he learnt about the new prophecy and then he had to comfort a crying Hermione. This was not all of his problems. His best friend was still comatose and he had fallen asleep a few hours ago after waking up from his nightmare. So when he felt another tug, he bolted up and growled at he who dared to disturb his beauty sleep.

He immediately regretted his action when he saw a scared looking Silvia standing at the foot of his bed. She was clutching Mr. White is her left hand while her right hand held his sheet.

"What happened, Princess?" Sirius Black asked. He was shirtless and his ink clad chest was on full display. "Couldn't sleep?" He asked, trying to get her in to sleep.

She shook her head and tugged at his hand.

"Something is wrong, Uncle Padfoot." She said in a very quiet voice.

Sirius was taken back. Silvia had never been scared alone at night then why all of a sudden?

"Is there a monster under your bed? I can scare them all." He said playfully.

"It's not under my bed." Liv said. Outside the room, a loud creak made them both jump and Liv ran into his arms and hid her face in his chest. Even Sirius got scared for a minute due to the sudden sound.

"Hey Silly. Its all right. It is Uncle Harry or Mommy going for a cup of chocolate milk. Lets join them shall we?" He asked and got up from the bed. He pulled a robe over his boxers to cover his nakedness.

"No. Please." Liv shook her head as Sirius picked her up.

"Come on Silly. You are my brave little girl. How will you get in Gryffindor if you are scared so easily? Uncle Padfoot will protect you princess."

She hid her head in his neck as he left the room. Sirius knew that it was not possible for him to fall asleep now. He checked the time and it was four in the morning so he decided to go check on Remus before joining whoever was awake.

"Do you want to see Remus?" Sirius asked the child although he was already opening the door to his room. Just as he opened the door he heard a loud crash from the room next door. His eyes fell on the bed where Remus was supposed to be to find it empty. He could feel his heart thumping in his chest. Remus was awake?

Sirius was slowly losing his hopes for his friend to get better. Lately Remus had started looking paler than usual. His skin had turned translucent and veins were visible. The Healers of Mungos had drawn back saying that they had no idea what Remus had been cursed with but whatever it was , was spreading fast.

Another crash , followed by a pained cry pulled him off his thought. He knew whose cry that was or whose room the sounds were coming from. He threw open the door to Hermione's room to be shocked.

He looked at the sight in front of him. Hermione was lying on the floor with a scratch marks across her cheeks. Her room was messed up. And holding her down was a clawed hand. A hand which belonged to his best friend.

"What are you doing?" Sirius yelled at Remus. He still couldn't believe what he had seen.

Remus and Hermione looked at him. He saw the tear and blood stained face of Hermione Granger but what shocked him more were blood shot eyes of his friend. They looked inhuman. Blood thirsty. He tried to find but couldn't find his best friend in the eyes that looked back at him.

"Sirius!" Hermione said softly as her eyes fell on the little girl in Sirius' arms. Liv still had her face hidden but looked up as he heard her mother's voice.

Sirius too realised that he had a child in his arms and covered her eyes. He didn't want to let Liv see Remus like that. They both shared a father daughter bond. Remus would die if he ever found that Liv was scared of him.

"Mommy." Liv called for her mother from where Sirius had her face pressed against him.

The man with Remus' face looked down at the child as if it were his prey. His evil grin showcasing his molars. It was disgusting to see that face look at her like that. The man was holding Hermione by her hair looked between the two of them. He seemed to be thinking.

"Ah! Little cub." He sneered. Liv peeked at him from a gap in Sirius' fingers.

"Daddy?" She questioned. Even the little girl knew something was wrong with him.

"Come here." He extended an arm towards her. Liv looked at her arm and then at his face.

"Thats not Daddy." She told Sirius who was still looking at him in shock. Perhaps the words were enough to pull him back to reality as he put Liv down behind him and took steps to protect Hermione.

"Come here." The man shouted loudly, making Liv flinch. She was not used to people talking loudly. She had been pampered by everyone ever since she was a little baby.

"What happened?" An alarmed voice said. Harry stood behind them with his wand ready to attack when necessary. Sirius thanked god for his godson's presence of mind who unlike him hadn't forgotten his wand.

The man was looking at each of their faces, had forgotten about Hermione who took the chance to pick up her wand. She threw a stunner at him. The spell did nothing to knock him out but brought his attention back to her.

"Ava..." Harry started.

"Harry. No." Hermione and Sirius yelled at the same time.

"The spells won't work on him. We tried in Romania." Harry told him urgently as the man took steps towards Hermione.

"He is still Remus." Hermione said softly fear evident in her eyes as she threw spells after spells on her attacker but to no avail. Sirius jumped on him from behind trying to get his attention off her. Harry too joined him but Remus or whoever he was, was stronger then all of them combined. Harry had already witnessed this in Romania and Hermione and Sirius got the taste today.

"Enough." The man drawled in his cold razor like voice. He elbowed Sirius on his chest which was followed by a crunch. Sirius cried in pain holding his ribs as the man threw him off. Harry was thrown off like a rag doll and he collided with a wall.
It seemed like the man had his eyes set for Hermione for some unknown reasons. He took steps towards her until she was caged between him and the wall behind her back.
"Remus, I know you are in there somewhere. Please fight it. I know you are stronger than this. Please Remus." She begged him, tears flowing down her cheeks. But her words had no affect on the man infront of her. He grabbed her by her neck and pulled her off the ground choking her.
She was dangling in the air and the man sniffed her neck and grinned evilly at her.
"There is no way back for him." He taunted. "I will make sure there is no light left to guide him back, Moon." Hermione's eyes widened as she heard the familiar nickname from this man's mouth. Does that mean , somewhere deep down Remus had his memories?

Hermione was losing herself in darkness as it was getting difficult for her to breathe. But before she could get lost completely , she heard a little angry voice.

"Get away from my Mommy."

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