6. The Talk

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The moved back to 12 Grimmauld Place hadn’t been that difficult once Hermione gave her approval. She had packed all the things that Liv needed and a few clothes and pajamas of her own as she had moved into the old house, leaving rest of the things to the boys or men who had requested her to let them do it for them. 

She was given the room on second floor where the boys each had their room. Harry and Sirius lived next door to each other and Hermione was beside Remus. Liv’s nursery was in between Sirius and Harry since Hermione didn’t want Liv far away from her and the accommodation gave her easy access to her nursery since it had its door in front of her room.

Hermione had been insistent on shifting to the third floor since she was too used to live alone only to be told by a smirking Sirius that she seemed nervous to live with three handsome bachelors. It was enough to rile her up. Another change that came into the old house was that the witch now took over cooking. Out of the three wizard, Harry was the only one who could cook but he was always tired handling his job and two parts of family so Hermione decided to ease him. Besides since Liv was always with either Hawy, Paddy or Dada, she got a lot of free time. 

It was two days since Hermione moved in with them and they had decided that since Christmas was arriving soon, the dinner on Christmas would be the best opportunity to tell everyone about both the females that have returned. Technically, only one of them had returned, but well you know…

It was the day before her coming out party (you know what I mean) that she found herself alone with the resident werewolf in the couch. In the few days, Hermione had been there, Remus had realized that she had been avoiding him. In fact, if she hadn’t been so lost in thought, he was sure she would have already left. He looked at the beautiful witch wondering what he had done for her to choose to ignore him. Was it because he was a werewolf? It hadn’t bothered her earlier though. Did a werewolf kill her lover?

She must have felt his gaze on her as she raised her head to look at him. A pained expression on her face as she noticed Liv with him. Liv had been with Sirius earlier before he went to loo. She got up to leave.

"Hermione" Remus called her from his place on the couch where he was sitting with Liv sleeping on his chest.

"Yes?" She asked wiping the pain from her face and pulling on a smile as she faced him. However, it couldn't fool him. He motioned her to join him by his side on couch. He didn't want to wake Liv up by speaking too loudly.

"Is there anything you want to say to me?" He said and saw her eyes widen in panic. He hated it. The feeling in the pit of his stomach made him want to run away. To not have to make this conversation. But he would. Because Remus Lupin always did the right thing. He wouldn't blame Hermione if she asked him to stay away from Liv. She was a mother and it was her right to think about the safety of her daughter. No matter how much he has grown to love the baby, he knew he was dangerous.

"I don't know Remus. You tell me?" She said. 

So, he would have to say it. He would make it easier for her then.

"I have seen you watching me whenever I hold Liv which is too often. I have seen the pained look on your face whenever she is with me. Don't deny it." He said when she opened her mouth to protest. "It is not with Harry or Sirius. Just me." He cleared his throat. " I know no one in right senses will trust their child in hands of a werewolf. You will just have to say Hermione. I won't go near her again." Though he said the words, His hands pulled Liv closer. He didn't want the girl away from him. He had no idea she could matter so much to him in such small time. The wolf looked at her as his cub and Remus knew if he ever wanted a child in future, he would think about her as an inspiration.

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