10. Marks and Cults

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Remus walked into the house narrowly escaping the bone chilling temperature outside. The wind was so cold, he could feel it despite the warming charm. He had to go to Severus’ to get his dosage of wolfsbane. Now that there was a child in the house with them he couldn’t afford to forget that.

“Hola Frozen wolf.” Sirius laughed from the kitchen when he saw the flakes in his hair. He was sitting with Liv in his lap while he was making her plaits. The little girl was clapping as she made crayons color the paper on their own.

“Could Harry do that in her age?” Remus wondered loudly but regretted instantly when he saw Sirius flinch.

“I wish I could answer that question. If only I wasn’t so reckless and stupid.” Sirius said bitterly. 

“Mean you weren’t a Gryffindor?” Remus asked trying to lighten the mood. “After fighting with the hat to not put you in Slytherin?” Sirius had told them very late in his life how he had to fight with the hat and threaten to burn it if it put him to Slytherin. “At least you are here now. You came back for him, not once but twice.” Remus patted his shoulder comfortingly.

His gaze fell on the drawing. It was more like swirls of all colors on the paper. He felt proud to see her capable of such magic at young age of two. He may not be her father but that doesn’t mean he could feel proud of her, he thought. 

“I will be in the library.” He said and excused himself from his friend. Sirius shouted something behind him but he couldn’t hear as it was followed by Liv’s giggles. 

Must have been something to her, he said.

The black library was the only place that was quiet and peaceful. It helped him to think. He opened the door quietly and walked in. his eyes roamed around the huge room to find a comfortable sit. There was a coffee mug on one of the table, it was steaming. Since no one was here, he decided it must be for him. He picked up the warm coffee and it felt blissful in his cold hand. He wasn’t as cold as he had been but he wasn’t warm yet either. He was about to take a sip when a rustling sound grabbed his attention. He placed the mud back on the table and walked towards where the sound was coming from. The Black library contains many dangerous book and one has to be careful all the time. 

He was prepared for a dark flesh-eating book but instead his eyes zeroed on brown hair. There she was, Hermione, she was wearing a baby blue shirt and jeans. She was trying to pick a book from the top shelf but because of her short height, she couldn’t reach there. As she stretched her hand, her shirt rode up revealing her smooth olive skin. Remus couldn’t help but stare at her waist until he heard a string of curses as she pushed herself higher on her tip toes. Still, she was a few inches short of reaching the book. 

He chuckled inwardly and quickly made his way towards her. She looked adorable scolding the shelves. he couldn’t help smile at the scene infront of him. His feet took him closer than he had intended and as his chest touched her back, she jumped and turned around. 

“Its you.” She said with a hand on her chest, trying to calm herself. Remus reached over head and picked the book she was reaching toward. He looked down to realise that their faces were inches apart. He could see her freckles from this close as they spread across her nose and cheeks. Her eyes held a distant emotion in them which made him want to lose himself in them. 

“Huh?” Remus said when he realized she had asked him something. 

“You could have just accioed the book, you know?” she said pointedly at the wand in his other hand. Remus felt blood rush to his neck and cheeks. Ofcourse he could have just used magic to get the book. Why didn’t he think? He used to be a professor for Merlin’s sake, of the very girl pressed to him right now. He had a strong urge to hit his head hard on the shelves but controlled the urge. No need to make more fool out of himself.

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