18. Wounded.

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A/N : Okay guys I am really really Sorry. This is super late update. I had been busy recently but I try to stay more regular. I hope you like this rushed chapter.
I know its not my best but it is something.

Ron was sitting beside a distraught Harry who had his head hung on his right hand while his left was secured in a sling. It was a good thing that he was no longer in Hogwarts otherwise Madam Promfrey would have made him stay him stay at the Hospital wing for a day. Not that Molly hadn't argued in that favour but even she knew that Harry was the second fortunate one of the group beside Nymphadora Tonks. The metamorph had lost her hand but the Healers at Mungos had managed to stitch them back together.
It was Neville who was hurt worst among all of them. He had lost a lot of blood and had several other injuries. He had stabbed and had a few broken ribs. He even got hit by a nasty bone crushing charm aimed for Tonks when he pushed her out of harm's way. Augusta Longbottom and Luna had rushed to the hospital when they got the news. For the first time in ever, Luna seemed so shaken and hurt. Even while she was held prisoner in the Malfoy Manor , she wasn't this distraught. She held her one year old Frank tightly to her chest as they waited for someone to tell them that he was fine.
And then there was Remus. He seemed to be lost in a never ending dream. The Healers said his body was undergoing some change. They predicted that he might transform before the full moon and there he was kept in a separate chamber away from others. No one was allowed to meet him.
The family and friends of all those who had been on the mission to Romania sat in the wards of St. Mungos waiting to hear about their loved ones. Harry was sitting inbetween Ron and Draco who was beside Luna. Hermione was standing next to Sirius who was sitting outside the door which led to the corridor where Remus was kept.
They were having dinner when Ron had emerged from the Floo panicked. He was saying incoherent words about an attack and Mungos which made them rush to the hospital. Liv was staying with Lavender and Ginny.

They all jumped when they heard a door opening and an olderly looking Healer walked out with his assistant beside him.
"Auror Longbottom's core had depleted and he had lost lot of blood. His magical core wasn't in condition to accept the blood replinshing potion. But don't worry , we have given him blood using the muggle method. As for his core, it will take time to get toits normal level."

"When will he wake up?" Luna asked standing up.

"By tomorrow night. We have given him a strong pain relief potion and sleeping draught."
Luna gave him a short nod and turned to Hermione. "Thanks Mione." The tears in her glistening eyes were visible to everyone. The doctors had given up on Neville since his body wasn't reacting to magical treatment. He was turning pale without blood when Hermione proposed the Healer to use the muggle method. Augusta Longbottom was against relying on the 'pathetic' muggle method and was raising a havoc when Luna turned angry for the first time. Everyone was speechless as she scolded the old woman.

"Shut Up Augusta!" She had yelled stopping her mid rant. "Thats my husband and my son's father in there fighting between life and death. If the muggle treatment has the faintest chance of helping him then we will do it. And no one can stop it."

"Can we see him?" She asked in a soft timid voice.

"Yes, but only family members."

"Lets go Frank before the Nargles get to Daddy." She told her baby leaving everyone behind as she went inside.

As the day passed everyone went away , untilit was just Harry, Ron, Draco , Hermione and Sirius remaining waiting for some news on Remus. The Healers couldn't figure what was wrong with him. They had suggested them to go home since Remus showed no sign to wake up.

"You guys go home. I will stay." Sirius said. He looked hollow. His eyes were swollen and lacked the glimmer he usually held. His once confident and proud posture was now slouched in defeat as he waited for his best friend.

"N--" Harry started but Sirius stopped him.

"Harry you are injured. You need rest too. You too Draco. You both had a shitty day. Go home. Ron, your wife and son must be waiting for you." He said with an authority in his voice noone dared to cross him.

"I will stay with you then." Hermione said.

"No. Mione, Harry will need you. I am here and I am not going anywhere till Moony gets up. Go home all of you."

"I don't want to…" Hermione mumbled. "I can't leave him." She hadn't expected anyone to listen but a certain animagus had the hearing of a dog and it didn't leave his head just like the many other things he had been observing between his friend and the bestfriend of his godson. He shoved the thoughts away in another pocket of his head to be thought about later.

Everyone went home reluctantly after constant pesturing from Sirius who sat there alone in the corridor finally letting his tears fall down his cheek. He couldn't lose the only friend that he had remaining. Somewhere deep in the pit of his stomach he had a feeling something bad was going to happen. Something big.
He transformed into his animagus and sneaked into the wards place outside Remus' room which stopped any human from entering. He slept by the foot of his best friend's bed , ready to help him when he wakes up.

Harry Potter was restless for the past three days. He had a feeling that things will only go down from here. He had hoped, prayed that he had more time but the incident in Romania proved his greatest fear. Time was up for him.

"Harry?" He heard Hermione call from the door of his room.

"Mione, why are you awake?"

" Liv is coming up with fever. I just put her to bed." She even looked tired. He was injured, Remus was still in a coma and now Liv was coming with fever. And she was taking care of everything. Even Sirius who seemed really lost these days that Remus was not waking up. Just a day ago, The healers at Mungos had discharged Remus Lupin reluctantly after they admitted that they could do nothing but wait. So Sirius got his friend back home saying that they will wait at home.

"She falls ill very often Mione. You should show her to a Healer. Madam Promfrey can do it." He offered. He still gave his classes there.

"Its alright. I used to be the same as kid." She smiled and sat down beside him on the bed. She knew that he needed his friends with him and she was there. Silently offering her company and Harry was thankful for it.

"Can I ask you something Mione?" He asked.

"Ofcourse Harry." She turned to him, looking at him worriedly.

"I have been keeping something from you all. Something big and I don't know if I should tell everyone about it or not." He admitted. He had been wondering recently if he was doing the wrong thing by hiding the new prophecy from everyone. Especially recently since the Wizarding world has started facing darker incidents.

Hermione placed a hand on his shoulder and leaned down in a sideways hug.
"Whatever you do Harry , we are always here for you. If you decide to tell us, we will all help you but if you don't, we are still here to help you. Nothing changes. What changes is that you won't have to do it alone. You never had to do it alone. Even then we had so many people who could have helped us but we refused their help and we regretted that. I won't tell you what to do this time around. I just want you to know I am always there for you and I will respect your decision." Harry looked at Hermione and saw the sincerity in her eyes. He knew how difficult it was for her to not pry him for details. She was their resident 'know-it-all'. She was hungry for information.

"Thanks Hermione. That means a lot." Harry said and he really meant it. He knew what he had to do now.

Sirius Black looked a mess. He had stubble and he would have started smelling if Hermione hadn't forced him to go bath. He even had his meals in Remus' room these days. He was worried for his friend. Remus looked really bad. His skin had turned translucent and his veins were easily visible under his skin. He didn't want his nightmares to turn true. He couldn't afford to lose any more of his family. He was scared.

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