Little sister

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Teddys POV.

i had finished my last class of school today, and in 2 more weeks i had finals, i didnt have to go to school until then i just had to study at home. i walked up to my locker and shoved all the books i needed into my backpack and grabbed my Phone out from the bottom of the locker. i switched it one and saw A message from my mother.

she had a tendancy to do things randomly, draging my step father in on it too. i swiped to enter the message and read it.

'your father and i are going on Holiday 5 months travelling, dylan is coming home to take care of you'

i sighed and turned my phone off, i fixed my glasses on my face and placed my beanie on. i wrapped my scarf around my neck and entered into the snowy abyss. i started to walk up the snowy street making my way to my suburb.

"Teddy!" i heard someone call my name so i turned to see my best friend running up the snowing incline i had just hiked up myself, when she reached me she was completely out of breath.

"i thought you'd slip running up that" i laughed and pulled a part of my scarf over my nose to stop the cold breeze from getting to it.

"ha ha very funny teddy." she punched me and i rubbed my shoulder a bit as we continued to the suburb, she lived 2 blocks away from me and i always used to stay there when my parents took Dylan to auditions since i was 5.

her mum treated me like i was actually her child unlike the second child like my family did, i never went into the acting business because i was a shy child. but thanks to that i made a sister out of my best friend.

"Anna, let me stay with you for 5 months. please im begging you" i grabbed her hand and shook it around like crazy she was laughing before she turned to me as we walked.

"you cant always hide from him each time he is home you know" i sighed and looked at the snow as we walked.

"but i dont know how to treat someone like him, he is probably used to royalty" i laughed awkwardly at the end as we stood in front of my house now, it had enough rooms to be classified as a small mansion.

"well your going to have to find out Ted. have fun" she called as she continued walking down the street, i sighed as i got my keys out and opened the door. the house was silent but that was probably because it was so big.

i saw shoes at the door,  a lot of shoes, either Dylan grew 10 pairs of extra feet or 5 other people were over. i quietly made my way up the stairs toward my room, when i got closer to my room i heard voices inside.

i froze and looked around to find a place to hide, i went to the room next to mine and climbed out of the window, i crawled along the veranda roof to peek into my room. i saw 6 boys in there i quickly poped my head back and leaned against the house.

i sighed and looked up and mentally cursed my parents.i took a peek back in and they were messing with all of my books. i had bookcases lining my room like they were walls one was even a door to my closet.

i bit my lip when i saw they were putting them back randomly or leaving them out on my desk, i opened the window and climbed in crossing my arms after fixing my glasses, i grabbed all the books from their hands and off the desk and started looking for the right place to put them.

"Hey ted-"

"get out..." i mumbled interrupting him, everyone was silent for a moment before i heard dylan move off the bed.

"Teddy whats wrong" he placed his hand on my shoulder and i moved it off, i stayed looking at the book shelf before i thought about what i was saying.

"i said get out, dont just go messing someone elses room up, let alone entering without permission. Now go away" i mumbled, i felt bad but this was just my brain trying to save my place, my room was the only place where i didnt have to be Dylan O'briens little sister.

i was Teddy, just Teddy for once.

"okay, sorry" they all left my room in single file, i removed my beanie and placed it on the corner of my bed, i sat down and sighed wiping my face. i stood up and saw my usually tanned nose was bright pink from the weather outside.

"im such a bitch" i mumbled to myself as i curled up under my blankets, i took my glasses off and looked at my phone, Anna had sent me a photo.

'dont screw up, he is your brother, you cant hate him forever.'

i always hated Dylan, he was the favourite, he was the one that always got what he wanted. He was the reason why our dad left our mum for some younger woman in LA, he ruined everything. Now i have to deal with this guy who is trying to replace him.

i liked my dad better, he was always nice to me, maybe it was because i had his tanned skin, his dark brown hair and Hazel brown eyes or maybe it was because i was his little girl. i turned over to see the photos hung on the wooden part of the small empty space in a bookshelf, i had my glasses there and photos of Anna and i since we were young...i also had a photo of me and my dad at the Baseball.

i sat up and walked to the bathroom across the hall, i checked my makeup wasnt smudged from laying down. i sighed and walked downstairs to the kitchen and opened the fridge and saw a note from my mum.

'Be nice'

it was attacted to a batch of cookies, i sighed and grabbed the container, walked to the games room where i heard the boys all cheering and yelling. probably playing video games. i knocked on the door and a tall boy opened it.

"Uh hey, these are for you guys" i pushed the contained to his chest and he grabbed on to the container. i nodded and fiddled with my fingers before i pointed over my shoulder awkwardly.

"ill go make dinner, later" i quickly walked back to the kitchen and took a breather, i was holding my breath. i mentally told myself off before i made spaghetti. i put 6 bowls of it out and knocked on the door before continuing with mine to the backyard.

the family dog came running up to me when i sat on the steps, he was a old Bernese mountain dog who had been part of the family since i was 9 years old. i sat there and ate the spaghetti occassionally giving some to Griffin.

He of course was named after Harry potter. i sat there cuddling with Griffin as he was huge and fluffy and it was cold out.

"want to come in?" i looked to him when i got up and he barked, i walked inside Griffin following where ever i went, i walk to the kitchen to put my Bowl in the dish washer, i saw the 6 Boys sitting at the kitchen counter eating.

"thanks for the food sis" i nodded, as Griffin wanted to be taken to my room, i let him drag my hand up the stairs and into my room, he barked at my Door and i opened it for him,he jumped up onto my bed and curled up for the night.

i opened my wardrobe and changed into my pjs before climbing into bed.

"Night Griffin" i mumbled as i drifted off for the night.

Little sister//Will poulterWhere stories live. Discover now