0 hours

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Teddys POV.

it was 5 months tomorrow, 12 hours until i left at 6pm. i still had a bit of packing to do so i sat on my floor and stared at my cupboard. i packed warm since it would probably be colder than what i was used to, i made sure to bring a scarf and one of my classic beanies. other than that i packed for a week of cold weather.

"Will, am i going to meet your family there?" i asked as he laid on my bed, he leaned up and i turned to face him, he smirked before laying back.

"ill take that as a yes..ive never asked but are you a only child?" i crawled over to the bed and rested my chin just on the side.

"what gave you that idea?" he rolled over and looked at me, i just smiled and he pinched my nose.

"i dont know, you dont really talk about your family a lot" i said in a conjested nose way, i swatted his hand off before i intertwined it with mine.

"no, i have a brother and 2 sisters" i was slightly shocked.

"you've never told me about them, the most family ive seen from you is those boys downstairs!" i said taking my hand back and punching him. he laughed before getting comfortable in the bed again. i continued packing and added some nice clothes in.

i got into some comfortable clothes to wear on the plane and be warm enough when i got off it. which earnt me stares from will i didnt mind. i heard him groan before throwing a pillow at me.

"what was that for" i asked, turning around picking up the pillow set to smother him to death.

"your such a tease, were going to be staying at my parents house for most of the time cause you can see more stuff around there and thats more risky to do stuff with you" i laughed before i laid next to him.

"well thats a relief." i wipped my brow pretending.

"yeah such a relief, i mean now i wont have to worry about my parents walking in on me doing my girlfriend." i laughed before punching him.

"you'll get over it" i patted his chest before sitting up right, Will followed suit before kissing me. kissing me like one of us was about to die. i ran my hands through his hair as he make his way to my neck.

"Will, its not like were not going to see each other" i laughed pushing him away so i could look at him, he grinned before pecking my lips.

"after this week who knows how long it'll be until i see you again" he whispered keeping his lips close to mine, his eyes looking down so i could only see his eye lashes.

"its never going to be forever" i whispered back as i rested my forehead against his. i jumped as the door opened and fell backwards on the bed to look at who walked in.

"Teddy, um we found something for you" Dylan said with all the boys behind him, i rolled over and stood up from the bed straightening my clothes.

"uh yep ready now" i said awkwardly before they held out a bag, i took the bag carefully before opening it. i was surprised they found them so quickly, i pulled out my points and smiled before i slipped them onto my feet with socks on.

i stood up before going on to my toes i spun around a bit before i felt a pain in my foot but i smiled and couldnt help but spin.

"thanks, where'd you find them?" i asked curiously.

"in the games room cupboard for some reason" Thomas laughed, i had a feeling they werent really looking they just came across it. i nodded to him before i sat down and took them off and packed them into my bag.

i layed down and rested for a while before i sprung up and did some simple make up before i grabbed my shoes and ran down the road to anne's. i knocked on the door and one of her siblings answered the door.

"Ben! hey buddy is Anne home?" i asked, he shrugged and let me in, i shut the door behind me and ran up to her room and burst through the door.

"Anne!" i called and jumped on her bed to wake her up.

she pushed me off her bed causing me to land awkwardly on the floor. i laughed before i leaned next to her face.

"im leaving in 2 hours, i came to say good bye...ill say bye to shelly first then" i got up to walk away but her hand latched onto my wrist, she pulled me into bed with her and i saw a teary eyed girl in the bed with me.

"its only for a week this time but what if next time  you dont come back" i smiled before i hugged her in tightly.

"then you'll be the one coming over for weeks or ill be coming back here for weeks" i mocked like it was obvious, causing a tear to roll down her cheek.

"no dont cry i was joking." i said in a panic causing her to laugh at me. 

"its going to be a weird week without you" she mumbled, i looked up at her ceiling to photos of the two of us.

"its going to be weird sending you off to college" i sighed looking at a photo of us as 5 or 6 year olds. it was us standing next to a lake in these awkwardly big clothes. we smiled and pointed to a duck that was swimming towards us, i remember we thought it loved us but i now realize it was because we had bread in our hands.

"tempus fugit" i spoke out loud thinking about a book i read that had the latin terminology of Time flies.

"bless you, you sneezed out some of your book nerd again" she laughed through the tears which made me wonder if i should be crying.

"well excuse you, i just said Time flies. i mean look at us at that lake and now your going off to study law and im well going to the uk with a movie star? it just seems to weird" i breathed.

"doesnt seem real yet" i mumbled as if i spoke any louder this moment would shatter and we'd never get it back.

"i dont think im ready for any of this yet." anne spoke, i turned my head to look at her.

"well life doesnt seem to wait huh" i smirked and she smiled before i got up and saw there was a hour left. a tear rolled down her cheek as she sat up.

"time flies when i need it the most" she whispered and i nodded before i left her room. saying good bye wasnt my thing, saying good bye meant i might not come back or see her again. i prefered silence or a nod.

i ran down the stairs and into annes kitchen where i saw shelly about to leave.

"see ya later shelly!" i called and hugged her. before sprinting down the road to see Will packing the taxi with Thomas', his and my bags into the taxi. i huffed out and climbed in before we set off and i was super excited.


WOOOh london! haha 

so watcha guys think huh? it might end soon but im not sure which note to leave it on so comment how you think it'll pan out

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