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Teddys Pov.

i was snuggled into Wills chest when i heard a Knock at the door, i rolled over and sat up sliding off the bed careful to not wake Will up. i tip toed to the door before creeking it open, i saw charlotte there with a bunch of clothes.

i slid out the door shutting it behind me.

"Hey whats up?" i yawned at the end before rubbing my eyes.

"well i figured since you didnt really pack to snowboard" i smiled and nodded.

"so im the shortest in the family besides from my mum so i thought you could just wear some of my clothes so you dont freeze" she raised the pile and placed it in my arms.

"thanks charlotte. i cant wait, ill be ready in a hour latest" she nodded and gestured to herself.

"im not exactly ready myself so dont rush" i nodded and went back into Wills room where he was resting on his Elbow rubbing his neck. His hair was rustled so much that he looked like a sex god.

"Morning sleeping Beauty" i laughed as i grabbed the towel i was given and some underwear and a bra before walking back to the door.

"care to show me where the bathroom is?" i laughed as he rolled out of the bed and came up to my pushing me up against the door, my breath caught as he lowered his mouth to my neck and kissed up my neck and along my jaw.

"Will not here" i whispered as i tried to move him away.

"i wont, i just felt like kissing your neck and remembering your smell" i raised an eyebrow before i punched his shoulder.

"stop being a creep and show me where it is" he laughed before pecking my Lips.

"of course" he let me move from the door and him, he pulled it in towards the room and headed out in his shirt and Boxers. i admired his legs as we walked, long and slim. every girls goals.

"here it is" i nodded and stepped in locking the door behind me, i always hated going to other peoples house for one reason,the shower, the shower taps like do i turn it right or left, how hot is the hottest tempreture and whats the pressure going to be like.

all these thoughts fill my head and cause me to worry before i can even dissmiss them.

i pulled the shower curtain open and stepped over the bath ledge and into the bath. of course their bath was lower than normal so they could all stand straight in the shower so i felt like a hobbit just standing there with the bath coming to my knee.

i turned the tap on and the freezing water covered my body causing me to jolt back and fall like a brick cause of how stiff i became at the touch. i Layed in the bath for a second before seeing that id Cut my cheek on the bath tap. i sat up before pushing myself up into the now welcoming water.

i felt the stinging on my cheek but ignored it and just let the warmth envelope my body. i stayed in for a little while longer before i Hurdled over the bath, i dried myself down before i slipped on my underwear and Bra before looking over the clothes i recieved from Charlotte.

i threw on the skin tight jumper and the weather proof pants before i placed my casual make up on and walked out to Wills room, when i entered i threw my pjs on his bed he turned over only to look at the cut on my face.

"You okay?" he got up from the bed and ran his thumb over the Cut.

"im fine i slipped in the shower and cut myself on the tap. it'll heal in a couple of days" i pushed his hand away before wrapping my arms around his neck lazily and going onto my tippy toes before our noses could touch.

"get ready, we dont want to ruin charlottes day" i whispered before Kissing him. i grabbed my Red beanie and plaited my hair to the side for today, i heard Will stripping off behind my back, i walked over and wrapped my arms around his torso.

"you know what your brother said yesterday...i would trade you for anyone" i kissed his shoulder blade before i let him go to get dressed. i sat on the bed waiting for Will to finish changing before we could go get Charlotte.

"Will, ive got to be honest here before anything happens...I've never snow boarded in my entire life span." i spoke and smiled before he turned around to face me.

"i thought it was going to be something much worse, you almost gave me a heart attack" he was clutching at his chest before he came and sat on top of me.

"Will your squishing me" i managed to squeak out while laying back on the bed. Will turned over before hovering above me.

"am i Now?" i nodded before battering his back.

"yes" i spoke in a giddy tone as he got off and pulled me up after him, i smiled and held his hands before he spun me around.

there was a knock on the door before it opened a crack then fully to show charlotte. she looked vibrant and ready for this trip, she said we could stay out there for the night if we are having a lot of fun.

i smiled and looked at Will before tugging on his puffer jacket.

"lets go kick some snowy ass" i spoke before he brushed my hair behind my ear, he smiled before leaning close and kissing my cheek.

" we shall but we have to pick up 2 of charlottes friends who dont have lifts up there" i nodded excited to meet charlottes friends. i walked out of Wills room and down the stairs to where charlotte was standing waiting joyfully.

"alright lets move" she opened the door and climbed in the backseat, i climbed in front waiting and watching Will climb into the drivers seat, it was weird everything was on the opposite side so i suppose it would be alright if i skipped driving for this trip.


YO YO YO whats up, NONE OF YOU LEFT ANY CHARACTERS EXCEPTS FOR @the_maze_games_fan and she is defiantly going to get a shout out again in the next chapter when i figure out how to work this new shitty lay out of wattpad work.

so leave your comments, if not then the chance is gone.

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