Part 9

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Teddys POV.

it had been a month since i had been released and the boys had only a month and a bit left before they go. i woke up with will sleeping beside me, we'd slept like this ever since and Dylan actually doesnt mind one of his mates dating me.

i turned over to look at Wills sleeping face. i placed my hand on his cheek and kissed his forehead, his eyes softly fluttered open. he smiled and wrapped his arms around me pulling me in close to his chest.

"good morning Will" i laughed out a bit, he groaned in acknowledgement. i sat up and ran my hand through his hair and climbed over him to get out of the bed. Will moved with me to help a bit, i thanked him when i stumbled down from the bed.

i walked to the wardrob and grabbed some clothes, before i dropped them as will pulled me back.

"hey, so tonight is the premire for 'the maze runner' movie so i was wondering will you be my date?" i smirked at him before i looked down and nodded. 

"Fine, but you seriously have to introduce me to kaya, she seems epic." i laughed as he picked me up hugging me.

"i love you so much, i dont know what i did to deserve you" i smiled and turned back to him.

"you helped me live. you helped me continue" i kissed him before i grabbed his hand. as we walked down the stairs, i saw griffin walking down the hall with dexter as they headed to the back yard to smell the spring air presumally, since Winter decided to stop 3 weeks ago.

i saw Dylan in the kitchen and sat on the kitchen stools.

"Hey you going to the premire?" i questioned, he raised and eyebrow and glanced at me. Will rested his chin on top of my head as he leaned on my back. i laughed before i intertwined our hands , he kissed my shoulder before he went over to Thomas and Chris.

"yeah, you going too?"  nodded before sighing and thinking about how this is about to get official.

"you going to bring your girlfriend?" i questioned, he looked down and rubbed the back of his neck.

"nah, uh she is filming something right now." i nodded and creaked the stool out and went to start getting ready since it was 2.

"Oh be ready by 4" Dylan called, i Nodded even though he couldnt see. i ran into my room and looked for a dress. i found a dress my mum gave me when i was supposed to go to prom but, i stayed home would be a waste to not wear it.

i pulled out the short black dress, its sleeves would hide my scars and it seemed to match my torsos curves. i quickly pulled it over my head and zipped it up in the back before i dropped to the floor searching for some nice heels to go with it.

i found a black pair that had golden chains that went over the heel of it a bit and around my ankle. i smiled and threw them on the bed before running across to the bathroom. i opened my make up bag searching for my liquid eyeliner and the gold eye shadow.

i placed my foundation on and then added a golden base on my eye lids before i drew my eyeliner on in a cat eye style before i carefully drew on my lower lash line to the middle so my eyes would look way more Hazel this way.

i put on some chapstick before i let my hair wave down naturally, i didnt notice how long it had gotten since i always had it mostly up. it was past my chest almost to my belly button. i turned and looked at myself before looking at my phone to check the time.

3:30. i sighed and fist pumped the air, i looked at myself one last time before i stuck in some gold studs, i ran back across to my bedroom before i sat on the bed placing my shoes on and fixing the golden chains.

i stood up and smiled before i knocked on Wills door.

"Will, you in here?" i heard jumping about and him respond, i opened the door to find him buttoning up a shirt. i smiled and helped him.

"you are really clumsy arent you, i mean you skipped 3 buttons" i laughed and buttoned them up before i patted his shirt down and fixed his collar. he was silently starring at me, once i finished i smiled and nodded stepping back looking at him.

"you look handsome" i clasp my hands together before smiling. he smirked and looked me up and down.

"i look like a peseant to you, my queen" i smirked as he pulled me in for a kiss. i laughed once we pulled apart.

"in heels or not, your still taller" i walked out with him following we went downstairs and waited for the other boys to appear, they all looked handsome. i felt like i was surrounded by princes but i had my king.

we heard a car horn and all headed out. it was nice and pleasent this afternoon. i moved my hair behind my ear only to reveal a fancy looking van. i raised my eyebrows and climbed in, we reached the event at 7.

3 hour car ride to another state. i sighed when we all finally got out of the car. but i was bombarded with flashes. i raised my hands until i got used to it, Will was finally out and took my hand which immediatly caused things to be yelled at us and dylan.

this wasnt even the event. we were just walking to the building where we had to wait maybe they would have some interviews with youtube interviewers. we walked down towards the door, i smiled and held on to Will tightly in this New environment.

once we were inside i took a gasp of air.

"that was only the start ted-ster" Chris said as he walked through with dexter.

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