not so little any more

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Teddys POV.

i woke up with dog licking my face, i sat up and rubbed my eyes, i opened the door for Griffin as he bolted downstairs, i walked down after him and to the back door where he was patiently waiting, i opened it widly and he bolted out into the freezing morning breeze.

"your lucky to be covered in Fur, thick fur too" i spoke while rubbing my eyes and shutting the door. i turned around and saw Dylan walking into the kitchen. i decided it was now or never was when i was going to forgive him.

i walked to the arch of the kitchen and leaned against it, i looked down and fiddled with my hands thinking about what i was going to say.

"Jesus, fucking christ. you scared me, say something next time your there Teddy" he held his chest as he scared me with his reaction of me being there.

"im sorry." i walked over and hugged him, he stood there not hugging me back for a while before he finally did.

"i blamed you for everything, you didnt cause the divorce...i understood that but i felt like you did, ive blamed you for years. Even Griffin is caution of you because of it" i mumbled as i pulled out of the hug, i looked up at him before i held my hand out.

"your one awkward teenager huh, you still only friends with anna?" i nodded and dropped my hand, i turned to the Fridge and opened it to see if there was any food.

"of course, everyone else just wants to use me to get to you." i spoke as i shut the fridge door,  i got a glass and filled it with water as i sat on the bench.

"yeah im sorry" i shrugged and drank the water quietly, Dylan walked over to me and leaned on the bench, close enough that i felt his heat on my thigh.

"its been ages huh, your finishing school this year aren't you..." i placed the glass down and leaned back on my hands.

"yeah, hows tyler doing?" he glanced over his shoulder doing a classic Stiles when you hit a subject he is awkward on.

"Tyler is great, we uh...we're not living together anymore though" i nodded and slid down the bench to stand next to him.

"well your here with your New mates now, get breakfast ready, ill go shopping for more food."  i patted his shoulder and walked out of the arch way into the hallway.

"im taking Griffin for a ride in the car too" i called out, he popped his head out from the arch.

"want to take one of the boys? to help you carry stuff?" i turned and turned my head giving him a 'are you stupid' face, they were all famous so there was no way i would take one out and be in a magazine with them.

"No way in hell, am i taking any of you out with me" i spoke before running upstairs and hopping in the shower, i let the warm water wash over my skin, once i got out the cold air really hit me, i grabbed my towel and wrapped it around my body.

i did my make up and stepped out in my towel to just cross the hall, i had completly forgotten there were 6 men in my house. i stepped out and shut the door behind me, turned and ran straight into a body causing me to fall to the floor.

i looked opposite me to see the tall boy again, i turned red as did he. i looked down and noticed my towel had slipped. i screamed and picked it up again and jumped up running into my room. i locked the door and went straight to my wardrobe.

i put on a black bra and some red underwear before i put my black leggings on. i looked at my legs in them and sighed before putting my baggy moroon sweater. i grabbed my maroon beanie and put it on before i grabbed my glasses.

i kneeled down next to my bed and pulled my shoe draw out. i put some brown boots on and grabbed my bag. i sighed and grabbed my phone, wallet and Griffins lead. i jogged downstairs and saw all the boys.

i went red when i saw the tall one. i looked down and headed down towards the back door. i opened the door and Griffin came scampering in growling, i turned around to see Dylan there with his hands up in defense.

"Griffin, come here." he finished sniffing Dylan before walking back and sitting down at my feet. he barked at Dylan, i smiled before i looked up at dylan, i patted Griffins head so he would stop.

"whats up?" i asked, he raised his eyebrows before crossing his arms.

" first whats up with your crazy dog, i feel like its going to kill me in the night." i laughed before crouching down and hugging Griffin.

"secondly, you okay, i heard you scream before and you cant look at the boys? did something happen" i stood up and shrugged.

"it was and accident, i ran into the tall boy and we both fell and i was in a towel so it was embarassing okay." i went to walk past dylan but he grabbed my arm.

"ill tell you their names this afternoon, okay. but you already Know Thomas..." i nodded. i knew Thomas from watching his Nanny mcphee movie when i was younger. the rest i had no clue who they were.

"yeah im going now, im taking my car" i had a worn down jeep, it reminded my mum of what my Brothers character stiles drove. except mine was dented and had a patchy paint job. 

i grabbed my keys and jingled them as i continued walking to the front door, Griffin just naturally followed, i stopped at the kitchen where the boys were making their own food. i poked my head in and Griffin barked making them all stop.

"Do any of you want anything from the shops?" i asked, they all wrote a list of things they wanted some of them i was only just legal to get, smokes...serious turn off. i walked to the front door and put griffins lead on and let go of it as we walked out.

i opened the passanger door so griffin could ride up front and have all the breeze he wanted. i patted him when i started the car and all their faces poked through the lounge room window. i pretended not to see them and continued to reverse out, i saw my brother punch the tall boy as they started to argue.

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