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Teddys POV.

i heard a loud bang causing me to slowly move my head up from where i was asleep. i noticed Will was awake and just sitting there quietly. i fully sat up and looked around to see that the Van wasnt moving, i adjusted in my spot before Will noticed i was awake.

"morning sleepy head" he mumbled, i smiled and stretched out a bit.

"morning. but by the looks of it, its still late. why arent we moving" i spoke out quietly noticing everyone still asleep.

"Van broke down, may take hours to fix apparently. there is a Motel just up the road a bit, we just need to get the Van there some how...maybe even call someone in to fix it" he moved some of my hair before just looking at me and leaning in.

i put my hands on his lips. i knew that Will felt a little dissappointed by what i did but it just didnt seem like the right time. i slid over his lap to try climb out but he grabbed my hips and sat me down on his lap.

"Will poulter. now is not the time" i whispered to him in a harsh tone. he just laughed quietly and kissed my shoulder. i sat back was wrapped my hand so it was on his cheek. i turned his face to me and kissed him.

"happy. now lets push this Van to that motel. there are enough of you boys to do that" i huffed and clambered up to the front before beeping the horn making everyone jump...i turned around and smiled as i opened up the door.

"good morning Ladies. lets get this Van on the move so we can sleep in a bed!" i smiled and got out and saw the driver shutting the hood up front. i smiled and went to the back as i started pushing, it was moving but real slow.

"COME AND HELP ME!" i heard groans coming from inside before they all came out. we started pushing as the driver steered. we pushed for almost half and hour before we noticed the street become more lit up with the neon like of the motel.

"finally we're here" i sighed and just slumped down my feet were killing me in my heels. i slipped them off careful of where i was walking i was tip toeing towards the main enterance of the Motel. once i got inside i didnt mind where i was stepping.

i sat down in a chair and felt the weight of my energy push on my body. i sighed and smiled before watching the boys book rooms and the driver asking if he could use their phone. i smiled when will held his hand out for me. 

i gladly took it, he started ballroom dancing with me before he swept me off my feet. Cheesey. i laughed and hugged him before he placed me down and spun me under his arm. i was laughing so hard before i climbed on to his back as he carried me out of the front enterance. 

"what room?" i asked as we searched the double story complex.

"227." i nodded and leaned on his back.

"this reminds me of that episode in Teen wolf. it was sad" he laughed as i told him the whole episode. i may not of liked my brother until recently but that didnt mean i wasnt admiring what he did every second.

"big fan huh?" i laughed before grazing my teeth against his ear.

"biggest" i whispered in his ear. i felt him shiver at that causing me to kiss his cheek. i loved Will, his reactions, everything. if my whole life was a mistake...Will would have to be something ive finally done right for once.

i hugged him tightly.

"Will, im utterly in love with you. i know your only here for a couple more weeks but i love you." i smiled into his heat. his back was warm. i felt him slide me down as my feet were placed on the cold concrete slab. will stood on the Road still taller but the disance wasnt as great.

"im never leaving you alone. I need you in my life." he grabbed my hand and my ring finger and stroked it.

"one day ill give you a ring, so everyone knows your mine." i smiled at him, i leaned in and hugged him as i jumped and wrapped my legs around his torso. i kissed his neck and heard him Moan before we found the room. 

Will pushed me down on to the bed and started removing my dress. i arched my back at his sensation. we were soon in bed, our moans filled the room, the heat surrounded us before we both layed on the bed gasping for air.

"huh." was all i managed to get out. there was soon a knock on our door, i quickly got a shower and dressed smiling stupidly at the floor as Will opened the door. i turned the shower off and dried before walking out to see will throwing his clothes on.

"Vans Fixed, also Dylan isnt happy with us" i smirked and walked out, i felt like i was Mr christian Grey from 50 shades of grey. i felt cheeky and sexy all at the same time, i bent down and tied wills Tie on my neck. slipping on my shoes and walked sensing wills stare.

i walked out the door only to get dragged to the side. it was Dylan, i smiled and batted my eyes before he rubbed his face.

"ted. i was fine if this was going to be a fling or whatever you highschool girls dream of but, in a couple of weeks he is returning to the UK. your going to get your heart broken!" i he yelled in a whisper so Will or the others wouldnt hear.

"well what if its not just a fling, what if i want it to last longer.." i said my mood dropped from Mr grey to alice falling down the rabbit hole just to escape a nightmare. He sighed before he grabbed my hand and walked me to the Van.

"Its just, i dont want to lose you...i dont want you return to the state you were in before if he leaves you...your my precious little sister" i smiled and Nodded as i climbed into the Van, laying down across 3 seats, my thoughts soon drifted off into sleep. a restless sleep. 

i think i could use a hole to climb into and decide what i want, i Want Will, but what if what Dylan is saying is true. this is just some silly fling... i just dont know what to believe.


hey guys sory for not updating as much, its just im busy and shits happening and EVERYTHING IS TERRIBLE! i kinda wish i was dead. my depressions coming back, better go hide in some books for a while.

ill try update though

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