part 19

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Teddys POV.

Will walked into the room after charlotte had left and placed the suitcases down before bouncing down next to me and cuddling into me, i hugged his torso as i felt his breath on my skin.

"im going snowboarding with charlotte and her friends tomorrow" i stated as the heat started to make me drift off. he kissed my neck before mumbling words.

"im coming too." i smiled remembering what charlotte said, she had predicted it. i giggled a bit before nuzzling my head into his collar bone. i gripped his shirt before i shut my eyes.

His mum let us sleep for 2 hours before waking us up so the jet lag wouldnt wear us down to much. We went downstairs and to the lounge room where Ed i think was playing video games with a friend of his.

"Whoa Ed, since when did your brother pull a smoking hot girlfriend" he laughed before returning his attention to the screen. Ed paused the game and stood up.

"Will you Never told me she was this good looking" he whispered to his brother, i blushed and looked down his brother was rather attractive and a bit taller than Will.

Will pulled me closer to his side as if he was protecting me or showing me off but either way i gripped his shirt with my hand furthest away from him so my whole body was pressed against him.

"it didnt concern you, plus you'd be a douche about it!" he spoke before his brother pulled him down onto the couch. Will had let go of me as they started wrestling.

"Why'd you date this guy, he isnt even that good looking!" Ed laughed before glancing at his friend. i looked at Wills face which looked rather hurt before he flipped his brother over.

"Ed this is Teddy, Teddy my older brother Ed and his mate chris" i nodded to the both of them before i took a seat on the single seat.

"i cant believe it still, shes like a american model!" Ed spoke before he rolled Will off him before grabbing my hand and kissed it. i turned red as he turned and walked back to his friend. Will stood up and picked me up before sitting down where i was before placing me on his lap.

"hey you any good at playing shooting games" Eds friend asked without his eyes leaving the screen, Will looked at me before i shrugged and i walked to get us both a remote.

we both ended up playing for almost 2 hours, the boys were shocked at my skills when i dominated, id opened up towards the family as i started dancing around the room singing 'we are the champions' by the almight Queen.

"dude, i take that back...Your girlfriend is on a whole different level then model. shes fake shes pretty and can dominate at video games" i laughed before i sat back down on Will poking my tongue out at him.

it was 1pm now and i didnt feel the anvil it was more of a huge dog but winning kept me alive.

"so another round? different game? come on im on a ro-" i giggled when Will covered my mouth, i licked his hand which sent a shiver through him. he let go before he wiped his hand on my leggings.

"ew gross, wipe it on your own pants" i spoke trying to shove his hand away.

"its your spit!" he came back with.

"its your fault i licked it" i spoke he grabbed my hand and licked it. it was the most abnormal feeling, i quickly wiped it on my shirt.

"LUNCH TIME!" i heard Wills mum call out from the kitchen when Will lead me to the 8 seater table there was just enough seats for everyone, i looked around the table and saw Wills sister jo and his dad.

charlotte sat down next to me as Ed,Chris and jo sat on the other side as his parents sat on opposite sides of the table.

we all recieved a plate of food that smelt like heaven on a plate. it was chicken with vegetables and i dont know how long i'd waited to be forced to eat vegetables again let alone be eating somone elses cooking.

i smiled and listened to the scraping on the plates and the total silence. i glanced to my right at Will he was smirking before his mum started a conversation with chris.

soon enough everyone was finished and just chatting around the table, i dropped my hands under the table before finding Wills knee and placing my hand there.

Will placed his hand on top of mine before he squeezed it. i smiled before i was asked a question by his mother.

"So theodora, have you got plans for college?" i felt my heart tighten, Will went to say something but i cut him off.

"Mum yo-"

"no its fine Will, uh i was going to a national dance college but my academic score didnt reach there standards, they said i could dance professionally with them but they couldnt make acceptions." i spoke quickly and professionally, i could feel my body tightening and not releasing.

i felt like i was holding my breath.

i felt Wills grip tighten as if to ask me if im fine, i smiled a small smile before i flipped my hand over and intertwined our fingers.

"what kind of dancing did you apply for?" Charlotte asked seeming interested.

"Ballet and contempory..." i'd noticed her try to lighten the mood a bit, i looked around and everyone had a gloomy look otheir face. i smiled and decided to change the topic. i'd gotten to 3pm now and id decided id just sleep for now.

"um, im tired...thank you for the Food Mrs poulter but if i want to go out with charlottes friends tomorrow then i really should sleep" i stood up and took my plate to the kitchen before jogging upstairs to Wills room. i sat on his bed before i threw open my luggage and pulled out my pjs.

i heard footsteps come up the stairs before there was a voice.

"Will i didnt mean to i just wanted to get to know her a bit" i reconized that it was wills mum with the sweet older voice.

"Yeah well its most likely now that she'll never be comfortable again." i heard Wills Voice boom as if he was mad.

"Will we didnt know..You never told us" i held my hand against the door now.

"i didnt want to remind her of what happened after" with that i opened the door a crack before i stepped out and tugged on Wills hand.

"its completely fine Mrs poulter, i get why you'd be curious. you want your son to have a good future. im sorry i cant go to college or be a professional at my only skill but i promise you...ill care for your son" i mumbled down to her, she nodded before walking to the living room where everyone seemed to be.

i dragged Will into his room before i glared at him.

"are you trying to make your family cautious of me!?" i said in a harsh but low tone.

"no i ju-"

"Will i cant be stepped around like im shattered Glass it happened and ill have to accept that...We'll have to together" i spoke fiddling with his fingers. before looking up at him and getting changed into my Pjs.

"I love you for protecting me's fine" and with that i climbed into bed and drifted off listening to the rain outside and Wills clothes rustling before he climbed into bed.


GUYS hi...

so if you leave a comment on this one, leaving your name or something you can be one of stacys friends and you can discribe how you want them and stuff ill do it tomorrow so please if we could get them in soon

YAY lets do this

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