snowy wonderland

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Teddys POV.

it reached 12 so we started heading out, i learnt that sophie was the girl whos cabin this was. the 3 boys were her brothers and they were taking care of the transport to the top of the mountain since this wasnt a ski lodge.

We all started heading out of the Cabin and into this van, i looked at will before he nodded and helped me in. he climbed in and sat down next to me, we sat loosly in there as we were moved slightly on the bumps in the road.

"so do any of you actually know how to snowboard?" i asked quietly to one of her brothers he laughed before patting my shoulder roughly.

"dont worry ill teach you if you want" i smiled and returned my gaze to the carpet in the van. i slid my hands over to Wills and intertwined our fingers, resting my head on his shoulder. 5 minutes into the ride people started to throw their goggles and beanies on so i followed suit.

"Let's go teddy!" The boy I spoke to before called to me

"We'll aren't you getting friendly with him" Will spoke in a harsh mumble, I turned and glared at him before pulling a face.

" grow up will, Any way your going to help me snowboard whether its the last thing you do" i smiled and kissed his shoulder before i locked arms with him as we all piled out of the van and into the snow. i smiled before started to walk up the rest of the way with will.

"Teddy, shouldnt we start lower if we're going to learn?" i turned to will before grinning, shaking my head and running ahead a bit. i sat down in the snow once we reached the top, i just sat a took in the view, breathing in snowflakes.

i watched as will smiled while walking up to me before pulling me up. he spun me around before he threw me over his shoulder. i couldnt help but laugh before he placed me back down and leaned our foreheads together.

i felt his breath warm up my skin a smidge.

"what did i do to deserve you" i mumbled smiling before i leaned up and pecked his lips. before we both sat down and placed the boards onto our feet. Will helped me walk over to a tiny hill, and i admit i fell quite a few times but an hour into it i was as good as i was going to get in that day.

"i want to go down the hill!" i begged Will and he glanced over his shoulder looking at it before sighing. which meant i had a complete success in persuading him. i smiled and held his hand as we made our way over.

"if you hurt yoursel-"

"i know, im responsible" i smiled before pushed off down the hill hearing him call out for me, it wasnt like all those movies i didnt turn into a professional, in fact quite the oppsite. i ran into a tree in fact and just laid in the snow holding my bloody nose.

i was laughing when will ran to me, he lifted me up and moved my hand away from my nose and checked it out quickly.

"God damnit teddy, why'd i let you do this." i smiled at will who was now using his hand to stop the blood from flowing down my face but i had a feeling it wasnt worth it. i smiled and laughed before moving his hand away.

i removed my board before turning over and standing up. i removed my glove to hold my nose, i picked up the board before making my way down the mountain, thankfully i had at least made it half way down.

"how could you run into a tree, its easy to see" Will jogged next to me before taking my board, i thanked him softly before smiling at him.

"well, i ...i dont know, i think i blinked and hit it" i laughed a bit, will grabbed my free hand as we made it to the bottom and charlotte ran up to me taking me to the infirmary. i laughed as she asked if will hit me or something.

"dont be stupid, i ran into...i ran into a tree" i felt so ashamed now down at the bottom with the others. i felt a sting in my wrist, i winced before moving it away from my nose and saw the purple bruise on it.

"ow" i cried out a bit, charlotte had left me to go get professional medical help. i moved my bruised hand down and laughed.

"of course i broke my wrist without knowing it" i smiled at how stupid i could be. in the next minute a nurse was in putting tissues up my nose and wrapping my hand with bandages. she put some ice on my nose and wrist before will came in.

"hey" he said walking over.

"hey" i said peeking out the side of the ice pack, he frowned and rubbed his hair. i reached out to grab his hand.

"at least i didnt get seriously hurt" i smiled, trying to get him to smile.

"Teddy, i cant believe i actually let you go down that stupid slope." i laughed at him, he took a seat next to me as the nurse returned and requested that we visit a hospital when we return back. which made will twice as worried.

"thanks" was all Will said as she left to go do other things. 

"im so dead, your brothers going to kill me" i turned my head and laughed a bit before rubbing his arm.

"probably, but if he doesnt know...." i trailed off so he could think about it.

"unlikely, when we go back to my place paparazzi could be there and sell to international magazines.

i smiled and intertwined our fingers, feeling him grip my hand back made me happy. 

"well we'll find out tomorrow, wont we. if i broke my wrist or not. then add tomorrow that we will spend with your family before we actually head to yours" i saw him smile a bit before he leaned down and kissed my hand.

"we'll find out then ted"


hahaha im so sorry, forgive me senpai. im considering getting a co-writter for this cause im really busy lately. plus i want this more regular for you guys and i dont want to end here cause that wouldnt make sense so if you want to be my co-writter let me know and we can chat about it!

ok bye bye, im sorry again. ill try harder

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