stay in bed

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Teddys Pov.

i woke up in the hospital, i was sure by the blinding white light surrounding me, i winced when i tried to open my eyes, i opened them slowly before i finally could, i looked to my left and saw Anna there, tear stains down her cheeks. 

i heard commontion out the door, i heard shellys voice and then i heard a males voice, i knew it was dylan...probably Will, or he is just sitting at my house glad that i nearly died.

i curled up into a ball running my hands through my hair as tears slipped out, i needed to die. all this wouldnt of happened if i wasnt born, or maybe if i was like dylan they'd like me. i wanted to scream but my body felt weak.

"Teddy..."i looked down and saw Anna awake now, i curled up and hid my face, she hugged me tightly and yelled at me.

"Why teddy, why did you even try to die, i need you...i need you so much, i love you! your my sister! your not a mistake!! please dont try to leave me ever again" i just cried even more. i mumbled out some words to her.

"im a disappointment, my mum doesnt even like me...if i was like dylan she'd still hate me. Heck the only time she'd ever love me would be when i was dead! My futures Fucked Anna if you didnt see my score i cant get into any colleges of my choice. 

and i FUCK EVERYTHING UP. I SHOULDVE DIED." i screamed towards the end, i pulled out all of the needles and stood up falling the ground, i held my head against the cold ground as i pounded my fist against the floor.

"why anna, why am i never good enough for her...even myself. im not happy with myself" 

"I WANT TO FEEL LIKE SOMEONE CARES, BUT IM SO LOST THAT I HIDE IN BOOKCASES...IM FUCKING DONE." I screamed, Shelly burst in and saw Anna just crying while i was screaming, nurses and doctors picked me up and i kicked and squirmed as they took me away.

they took me into the hallway, i saw Dylan and Will. i screamed and kicked and watched as their eyes died. 

"its your fault, My life could never be as good as yours" i yelled to dylan. he fell to his Knees as i watched the first tear ive ever seen my brother shed.

i just got dragged along.


-1 and a half months later-

they were finally allowing me to go, of course i had to go to therapy and had to take medicine but i was able to leave now.

all the colleges i applied for declined because of my test score, i havent spoken to Victor since the finals were being taken. i walked out of the hospital and saw Dylan, Shelly, Anna and Will all standing out front.

Anna walked up to me and hugged me tightly. she let go before her mum took her home.

Dylan looked down before pulling me into a hug and crying onto my shoulder. i raised my hand to rub his back but stopped.

"im so sorry, i never knew, i never thought she compared you to me..." i pulled back and looked down and nodded mumbling a "i already forgave you" . i walked over to will and looked up to him. i attempted a smile but he just pulled me in and kissed me. 

we didnt breathe for what seems like minutes. i pulled back and brought his forehead to mind.

"i thought i lost you." he mumbled, i shut my eyes.

"i thought i lost you too, when Victor came up to me...he was saying thank you for me helping him study" Will turned red and looked completely embarrassed, i smiled and hugged him. he became my everything in a number of days.

and soon he'd be gone again.

"Will, 2 months is already over...will i see you after the 5 months are up?" i asked as my head was burried in his chest. he just pulled my face up to look at his, he had tears in his eyes. i understood, Will would never leave me.

we got in the car and drove home, i fell asleep in the back of the car on wills shoulder. once we got home all the boys came and hugged me. i just smiled and walked to the back yard, Griffin walked up to me slowly and whimpered.

"its okay boy, i wont leave you again" i patted him and lead him to my room, i got changed into wills top and took in the scent before i curled up on the bed with griffin. I heard a knock at my door so i mumbled a come in.

will walked in and smiled blushing.

"i owe you a date, for being a stupid jerk and cause you missed spending valentines day with me" i opened up my arms, he saw my scars and smiled. i didnt feel like i was just the scars anymore, he looked past that.

he climbed into bed, Griffin didnt even care about it either. he hugged me tight as we just laid in the bed. i kissed his nose and smiled.

"thank you, for still loving me." i mumbled, he nodded before kissing my cheeks. i smiled as scrunched his shirt into my palm. i felt calm with him, he towered over me but i didnt feel small i felt like a equal with him.

i soon fell asleep while listening to his heart beat. i knew that this mental illness had grown inside for a long time and that day i snapped, but i feel like with the help of the people around me i can get better...i want to get better

Little sister//Will poulterWhere stories live. Discover now