Part 7

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Teddys POV.

-2 weeks later-

i woke up with a ache in my back, i sat up rubbed my eyes. i looked down and saw that i was wearing wills clothes still. i smiled to myself as i brought it up to my face and just took in his scent. i dropped back down onto my bed and curled up.

i sighed before flopping my legs over the edge. i stood up and watched wills top flow down over my thighs. i smiled before taking off his clothes and getting dressed for the day, the finals, they were today. i slipped some black stockings on with a grey skirt.

i ran around the room looking for my white button up shirt, i finally found it and slid it on. i quickly did my make up before i brushed my hair into high pony tail. i grabbed my glasses and a grey beanie and grabbed my bag before running down the stairs to the front door. 

i was almost there when a hand pulled me back, i looked up and saw will, i smiled and Kissed him. he leaned down near my ear.

"good luck teddy" he mumbled before i nodded and ran to the door, i ran down the street in my heels to the school, the snow was finally melting and spring was coming but unfortunatly i slipped in a puddle of water.

i fell on my but and just sat there processing everything for a moment before i got up and continued running, i ran into the school falling on the clean floor against the lockers. i jogged into the classroom where i had my tests and sat down in my seat gasping for air.

"your late miss O'brien." i looked up at the teacher and nodded before he passed me a sheet and started the timer. i sat there staring down at the page, i sighed and rubbed my face and tried my hardest.


"times up, Pens down and get out. come back tomorrow for your results" i stood up and walked out of the classroom, there was paper flying all around the hallways, i sighed and put my books in my locker so i didnt have to carry them home.

i was about to walk out the door when i heard someone call my name out from down the hall. i turned and saw one of the schools jocks, i smiled and fixed my glasses.

"whats up victor?" i asked, he came up and spun me around, i laughed before he put me down and hugged me.

"i knew all the answers, thanks for helping me study" he smiled and saluted him before i walked out the door, i heard the door open right behind me, i glanced back before someone cupped my face and kissed me.

i opened my eyes, Victor pulled away and looked down at me.

"Teddy, i-i ive got a massive crush on you, how about we got out to dinner this doesnt have to be a date but more of a thank you" i intertwined my fingers before i nodded awkwardly.

"oh, i see you dont like me...." i sparked up.

"no no, Victor no. your so sweet, its just ive got a boyfriend but ill go on saturday, pick me up at 7 okay." i smiled and awkwardly pointed and walked away, i sighed and looked down before i glanced up and saw my car in the parking lot.

i saw Will looking down at the wheel before he reversed out and drove back up the road. he had brought griffin with him. i hated myself at that moment, i know i promised will but i couldnt let Victor down...ecspecially after what hes done for me.

i sighed and walked home, i took my time before i eventually got to the front door of my house, i glanced at the door before i headed to Annas. i continued walking as tears started falling from my face. i wipped my face before a car pulled up beside me. i looked in the window and saw Annas mum.

i opened the car door and hoped in as she was about to ask me something she saw the tears and hugged me.

"i made a so stupid" i cried out as she rubbed my back, she started the car and drove back to her house. i got out of the car and walked to the door behind shelly. she opened the door and annas younger siblings ran around the house.

Shelly called for Anna, anna walked down the stairs before she saw me and ran into a hug. 

"what happened" she placed my face into her shoulder, i cried my heart out as i gripped her shirt. she lead me up stairs to sit on her bed. she sat there with a hand on my leg.

"i messed up anna...V-victor, he kissed me...will was there with griffin...and saw before driving off... i owe victor so much." i cried out not making much sense i just cried and cried until i fell asleep on her bed.

i felt someone kiss my temple. 

i fell into a dream, i was remembering how i owe Victor. i was being pushed and shoved into the lockers by some older students. Victor came and stopped them, he helped me...he saved me. id lost a lot of blood to much. 

luckily he got me to a hospital and helped me get better. Victor became a older brother to me, i didnt know he had a crush on me.

i woke up gasping for air. i looked at the curtains and saw sunlight glowing through, i glanced to my left to see Anna fast asleep next to me. i slid out of the bed and grabbed some of her sweatpants a singlet and a jumper.

i went and had a shower, before looking at my bare face, i touched the mirror before i stuffed my clothes into my bag. i carried my shoes down the street before i climbed on my car and up to my room, i threw my bag in and collected some clothes in a over night bag for 1 week.

i got a skirt and top along with the same shoes for Victor and my dinner tomorrow. i climbed down and walked to the school in bare feet. i got to the notice board and looked at my test scores. i needed above 86% to get into the college i wanted to go to.

i found my name down the list, i clenched my fist before i punched the notice board. the glass case around it smashed, i stepped back in shock. i grabbed the results stepping on the glass and ripping the paper up.

the school security guard came and grabbed me by my arms as i flailed about. i screamed and hated myself. i already knew it wasnt worth trying, i was as pathetic as my mum told me. i was a horrible child.

i was placed in a classroom with the door locked as they called the police. my mind had completely destroyed itself with hate and blame.

i looked at my foot and saw a piece of glass stuck in it, i pulled it out and held it up to the light before i placed it on my wrist and dug it down into my skin. i clenched my teeth together as i saw the blood seep out of my arm.

i made it all the way up to my elbow before shelly burst through the door, i looked up at her with tears in my eyes just as everything started to fade.

i mumbled 3 last words, thats all i remembered.

"im a mistake"

Little sister//Will poulterWhere stories live. Discover now