Chapter Twenty-One

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What was I thinking? I was so damn furious. The siege of jealousy and rage devoured my inner soul. My mind was determined to fight for what is rightfully mine but doubt swept through me. Was I ready to leave Kimhan without a fight? I was terribly hurt. Bruised and bleeding. The pain burned like hell, squeezing me inside. My rational thinking has left me a moment ago. My eyes were all blood-shot red crying all day long. It wasn't supposed to be like this. And definitely, I don't deserve this.

Oh...her distraught look as I try to evade her attempts to calm me down, reaching out for me. I was so cruel...shocked by the savagery of my words. Will she forgive me...will I forgive her? I couldn't stop crying. My mind was all haywire and jumbled. My inner goddess is nowhere to be found. Even Sherlock Holmes was no help to find her.

It was supposedly a surprise. I was on my way to the airport when she's calling me all along. I purposely didn't tell her about my sudden visit, but yes, I didn't lie that I was on the set the last time we spoke. I intended to go to LA that same day after the last shoot. And I did. But to my dismay, I was the one got surprised. I didn't expect that bitch would also be there. And most of all, it was appalling to bear witness to that abhorrent moment. It wouldn't be such a big fuss if I haven't known what she's up to all along. And besides, who wouldn't get jealous to see such scandalous scene? If you consider it as one, though, but I do. Yeah! I have all the right, ain't I?

I don't have trust issues. It wasn't a big problem before that. I believed Kimhan would never cheat on me. Perhaps, we're just caught in an unexpected moment and in the wrong places. Nonetheless, it was over and done. I couldn't stay mad at her that long. I wouldn't even last a day without talking to her. How much more if losing her? I love this beautiful person to hell and back. Well, it's much easier to go to the moon nowadays. Even Elon Musk can go to Mars when he wanted to.

I awake with a jolt. My head is fuzzy and I felt warm. Eventually, my eyes roamed around the moonlit room. The digital clock resting on the bedside table displayed 3:59 AM. It's almost dawn. I can't possibly go back to sleep like this. I am curled up and naked under the duvet beside her, my arm spread across her almost flat bare chest. Our legs tangled together, with my head nuzzled at the crook of her neck, inhaling her intoxicating scent. We're splayed over the white covered bed sated of sex and sweat. That's how it works, we fight, and then we make up. And the latter is way much better than the last one we had. It always gets better everytime. Trust me, they do. She always gets me way higher than nirvana.

My throat felt dry. I need a glass of water. Kimhan grumbles in her sleep as I slip out from her arms, but didn't wake up. I swing my legs out of bed and made my way to the kitchen. Realizing I was bare-naked, I have put on Kimhan's shirt lying somewhere on my way out.

Suddenly, I felt cold. The chilly ocean breeze gently crept though the open door making my body trembles lightly. Maybe, Kimhan forgot to close the door again. At this rate, she would get both of us pneumonia.

Wandering to the great wall of glass, I look out to the darkness of the horizon where the calm sea kissed the sky. There were few stars left twinkling above. The crack of dawn is almost here. It was beautiful...and magnificent. This is Kimhan's fortress. Her comfort... Could I live here, married to Kimhan?

Marriage. Ahhh, the thought of being married. It's almost unbelievable and overwhelming. I place my back against the glass and slide down to the floor. My lips smirk with irony of this reality. Who would have thought I would fall in love with the same sex? To Kimhan Jittaleela - my greatest love.

"Baby..." she stirs in her sleep.

Her voice, I don't know. But my body reacted too fast, rushed to her side.

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