Chapter Four

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"Hey kiddo, How are you? It's been ages I haven't seen you... so, what's up?" P'Nay widens her smiles while she listens intently to her phone.

"I'm sorry, kid. I've been totally busy lately, got a new project again with P'Klui... Since when you're here? Okay, then...I'll take the flight tomorrow as soon as I wrapped things up here...I'm doing well; still handsome, I guess." She chuckles heartily over the phone. Then, she pauses to listen again.

"We're already finished shooting the last part. Okay, I promise; I won't tell anyone about it. But I think, P'Klui would love to come, too... alright then, you take care. Say hi to your sister for me... yeah, I miss you, too, kiddo... see you then. Bye!"

P'Nay smiled brightly as she ended her call. She's shaking her head and deposited her phone in her pocket. She missed Kim, too. They've been close friends since their YON days. Kim practically grown in the industry under her wings and became Kim's confidant. All through the years they've stayed connected even though Kim left the limelight.

After her call, she went back to her monitor to check with her cameraman the last part. They've been editing and adjusting the film ready to be wrapped up in the studio.

"P'Nay," Aom called her attention and walking into her direction. "Can I talk to you for a second in private? If you please," says Aom. She gazes at P'Nay, pleading.

"Is there a problem, Aom?" P'Nay asks. Her brows furrows, she knew right away what Aom needs to know. She'd been asking her a lot these past few weeks about Kim.

"Um, it's something I need you to help me, please." Aom whispers her plead.

She knew P'Nay is hiding something from her. She need to know if it's Kim she's been talking to over the phone. She got this gut feeling that it was Kim. Those who are close to her call her kid, kiddo, or tiger. She tugged P'Nay away from everyone in the set and the latter just followed.

"What is it Aom? Is this really necessary?" asked P'Nay confused.

"Yes." She whispered.

She doesn't want Mike to over hear their conversation or things might get complicated between them. This isn't the right time yet. She needs to confirm everything and a closure between her and Kim before she fully decides whether to marry Mike and live with full of regrets or solely follow her heart. Shit. She inhales sharply. She needs to do this. Or just let the opportunity to just slip away from her grasp.

"P'Nay, I'm sorry;" she murmured. She exhales heavily, again. Nervous and fidgeting. "I heard your conversation over the phone. I know; Kim is back in Thailand for a short vacation. I've meet P'Air, her family and her American friends yesterday including Zee at the Restaurant yesterday afternoon." She glances over her shoulder checking if someone might hear their conversation. She swallowed hard. "Even Hongyok was there. But it's sad to tell she wasn't there..." she said with obvious sadness in her tone.

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