Chapter Eight

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Kim woke up from her slumber to the ringing of her phone by her bedside table. She reached for it, one hand wandering with her still closed eyes. A framed photo of Aom and her taken during their limelight years from way back years ago stood next to the night lamp. It accidentally came falling to the floor. The crushing sound of the frame jolted her blood from her sleepy eyes. She missed a call.

"SHOOT! Damn it!" she cursed gasping for breath, pulling herself off the duvet and picking up the photo from the floor. Five o'clock AM. She looked at the clock that stands next to another framed photo. It was a family photo taken the last time they had celebrated fathers' day with her late mom and dad.

"Good thing you're not totally broken." She mumbled to herself placing back the frame on the night table beside her family photo. Apparently, her phone rang again for the second time.

'Who in this world would call this early in the morning,' she said yawning and reaching for her phone just as soon it went dead.

"CRAP! Not again!? Why do you have to be dead bat when I need you!" she said annoyingly to her phone while looking for her cable.

"It's just five in the morning and I'm already having a bad hair day!" she said out loud to herself sitting up at the edge of her bed. She yawned once more stretching up her hands in the air.

"I wonder why, Aom is up so early in this time of day! Still an early bird, I say. Tsk!" flicking her tongue and rubbing her eyes off of sleep.

She connected the phone cable to an outlet near the night table and went straight to the bathroom to have her morning rituals as usual, washing her face and brushing her teeth. She tried to fix her hair raking her fingers through her dark short hair. Finishing, she went out of the bathroom, directed her footsteps straightaway to the kitchen and made herself a fresh brewed coffee. She turned on her big screen TV and change the channel to CNN which has been her habit every morning. Listening to the news channel while having her breakfast and getting ready for work or just to break the dead silence that surrounds her. The surrounding is still dark. The first light of dawn is still on its way. She walked her way turning on the switches to the dimly lit living space of her bachelor's pad. The left side of her flat is converted into a mini office. Consisting of a modern drawing table lit underneath a frosted glass cover and a study lamp attached to the side. A book shelf full of architectural books and magazines, rolls of floor plans were stacked on a lower shelves and a computer desktop was on the side connected to a printer. Considering it's a bachelor's pad, minimal partition walls were place so that it'll be almost an open space. The room is softly lit by warm white pin lights that dances through soft tinged gray walls. She slumped her butt on her soft couch taking another sip savoring the aroma of her coffee. The caffeine automatically jolted her brain as it runs through her veins. The living space is enveloped by tempered glass windows from ceiling to the floor and drapes hanged on the side which acknowledged the panoramic view overlooking the city. Just like her office, the interior of her flat is simple yet elegant. Combination of straight lines and played with pin lights and soft new colors painted on the walls that define its architectural concept: Less Is More.

Today was not just an ordinary day, it'll be a day she'll spend with Aom and her family, and she hoped it'll be worth spending it anyway. She got her own flat, good enough for her; spacious and cozy. She would rather want to have her own house with wide lawn and garden but living alone would make it lonelier for her to live in yet, she got a beach house which she seldom use.

"OH! Shoot! I almost forgot to call her back," she sighed just as she remembered to call back and jumped out of the couch to her bed taking her phone to make a quick return call to Aom. She immediately taps on her phone and within a few rings someone answered her call.

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