Chapter Six

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That night, Kim was left so restless. Her drinking a few hours ago didn't helped much putting her to sleep. It's almost midnight, she was too tired and beat all over with all the activities they have the whole day and the unexpected incident. Yet, she found herself tossing and turning on her bed. Her mind kept wide awake with the thoughts of Aom's sweet gestures to her and Mike's sudden appearance just like a nightmare. It was supposed to be an almost perfect getaway when suddenly ruined by her unwanted guest. When she couldn't take it anymore, she walked out of the room to the fridge. She took a bottle of beer from the fridge with her and walks out to the veranda. As she gulped on her beer, she lay on her back at the deck chair gazing up to the crescent moon. It is indeed a cloudless night sky.

"Oh god, why does history repeat itself? Why does it hurt so much... again? Why are we so near, just a breath away yet so far?" she whispered to herself still looking up as if the moon would answer back to all her queries. 'I thought I'm over her. I have moved on.' Thousands of whys and how's kept her mind boggling without answers. She knew exactly where she stands from that moment she saw Mike, but the truth slapped her bitterly; she can no longer contain her bitter feelings of resentment towards Mike. She wanted Aom for herself.

"I thought I've forgotten how I felt for you. Why is it so hard for me to forget you? Why is it this stubborn heart beats tremendously only for you... even it hurts me so bad that it shreds my heart to pieces." She sat up to breath some air to somewhat her chest might explode any minute now. It seems the thin layer of air suffocates her fast to her death.

She felt the utmost pain struck her heart. Her eyes start to well up and tears fall uncontrollably as the memory flashed back once more. She buried her face on her palms, hating herself for loving Aom so much. She beat forcefully once, twice, thrice of punches on her chest to punish her heart; why it felt the way it did. Why fate is so unfair with her?

"You know dude; you cannot choose who to love... but the heart does. And she chose her, for a reason your heart only knows." A familiar voice suddenly echoed in the silence of the night. Zee came out of the door holding yet another beer, sat next to her giving a gentle tap on her broad shoulder.

"I feel you, dude" Zee added.

"Why does it hurt so much, Zee?" she exhales her angst out in a melancholic voice wiping her tears with her hands like a child.

"It's a price of loving someone so much, Kim... that you forgot to give yourself a chance the happiness you also deserve. It's a matter of choices. Being in love doesn't always gives you the happy feelings. It can also rip you down to pieces. However, Love is a SACRIFICE; you think first of other's happiness before yours."

"At times, it knocks you hard and fall down unto your knees, but you have to endure all the pain. Cry a million tears but eventually, you have to stand up and shine once again. Sometimes, it also smacks you right in the face with a painful reality, so that you may appreciate the true meaning of love. Those battle scars you have proved how noble your love can be for her. But only TIME itself, can tell how beautiful love can be." Zee explained the longest like a true wise poet and sighed heavily letting out her deep thoughts on the matter, then took a drink from her bottle. She gazed at Kim seated next to her, who indeed looked messed up in her star-crossed affair.

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