Chapter Eighteen

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"Good morning, beautiful," Kim whispered in my ear as I open my eyes to see my handsome Kimhan. Well, that's something I already used to, going to sleep next to her and waking up each morning with the love of my life. I'm really getting use to this. I mean it, I never felt so happy and contented in my life. I smiled at the thought and turned my body around to face her. Her eyes sparkled with love and admiration. Though, I always have my hair all over the place. God, it's just embarrassing. She pulled away a few strands of hair from my face, leaned in and pecked my lips. Her soft lips always bring tingling feeling all over my spine and I inhaled her minty fresh breath.

"...morning," I murmured pulling away from the quick kiss just as I realized I haven't brush my teeth yet. I looked at her embarrassed, she's all dressed and showered ready to start her day while I'm still here naked under the sheets. Yes, still naked as the day I was born. I bit my bottom lip at the thought of how I end up naked again.

"I'll be in the kitchen," she says climbing out from the bed suddenly and walks her way out of the room. I couldn't help myself to feel a sudden emptiness in her absence. I felt something I never knew since then. I got too attached to Kimhan and it scares the hell out of me. It's like she's going to leave me forever. To get myself from the nagging thoughts of losing Kimhan, I climbed out of bed to have myself a quick shower before starting my day. Just before I was done, I heard a soft knock at the door.

"Baby, breakfast is ready," says Kimhan as she slides the bathroom glass door open.

"Give me a minute, baby. I'm almost done."

She leans her body on one side against the door opening, arms crossed on her chest. I can feel her eyes boring holes through my naked body. And I know, from that look in her eyes, I'm turning her on. I don't actually mind her seeing me naked. Practically, we already do act like married couples. But few months from now, we're making it official. God, I just can't wait.

"Like what you see?" I ask seductively swaying my hips purposely.

Her eyes lit up.

", do you need help?" she grinned mischievously. I knew what she means by help at this moment. I regretted asking her that question.

"No, I'm good."

I snap.

"Are you sure...looks like you need some help in that department," she insists, beaming on one side. She smiles boyishly and winks at me seductively. I laugh at her gesture but I'm trying to fight the urge as fuck as hell not to pull her into the shower and make love to her right here, right now.

"No, thank you," I lied.

"Really," she squints.

I glared at her. Good Lord! But before I knew it, she's now stripping all her clothes and stepping into the shower with me.

"If you won't go now, we might not get out from this shower soon," I protested. Yet, she's still standing naked behind me, immobile. Her skillful hands slide down smoothly on my wet torso. Her fingers brushing over my now erect nipples, teasing me.

Shit. It's just turning me on. I could feel my juices cascading down between my legs. How on earth can she do that to my body? Traitor body.

"I don't mind. Take your time as much as you need," she whispers behind me, kissing my ear and down to my neck. I let out a soft moan as her hand explores my wet body until her hand cupped my sex.

"Baby...breakfast... is waiting." I'm short of breath.

My breath hitched hike as a clenching feeling starts to build up fast from my chest to somewhere down south.

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