Chapter Seven

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"Hello, Johanne! What is it? Be sure it's something important..." she answered irritably.

"WHAT?" she shouts over her phone, she felt her heart suddenly explodes out of her chest. Both Zee and Mario looked at her in confusion and bewilderment. Those faces that seems asking her for answers.

"Just tell her to wait for me at my office. We'll be back as soon as we're finished." Then Kim hanged her call with Johanne and put her phone back in the pocket. She closed her eyes and gently massaged her temples with her forefingers. 'I kept running away from her as much as I can at any possible circumstances, but as if the stars conspired for us to meet again.' she shakes her head and leaned on the head rest. Zee, who is the driver at the moment took side glances at Kim, seated at the front passenger's side, every now and then still baffled with her.

"Are you okay?" Zee tried to ease her haggard facial expressions.

"Hmm," Kim simply replied and nod without even looking at Zee.

Actually, Kim didn't expect anything anymore from this possible client. She was left bewildered, like in a state of shock and excitement mixed together after all. Nobody talked among themselves, she was drifted into her deep thoughts again until they finally arrived at the jobsite. Immediately, Kim made her brief inspection on their weekly accomplishments on the project, double-checked the materials used as per specified in the plans. They got to meet with the owner, Mr. Damon, regarding the approved designs. It was already an hour past lunchtime when their inspection at the site was done.

Looks like a storm is coming, they could see black rain clouds starting to build up on the horizon and a cold gust of wind starts to blow, so they hurriedly drove back to the office before it pours down mercilessly.

Not long after on the road back to the office, a heavy down pour of rain came crushing on the car's wind shield and the wind is gusting hard. The road is almost zero visibility and a bit slippery due to the heavy rain. Adding to that, traffic is already building up heavily along downtown which caused another 30 minutes delayed to their travel back. Kim was all stressed-out thinking about the client waiting at the office and the storm delaying her. So, she called her secretary to checked upon the client and asked to order food for them. She felt her hunger all of a sudden because of fretting and stressing out. Jam-packed traffic stressed her out more, two more blocks before they could reach the office.

"Damn! This rain... Tsk!" Kim flicked her tongue.

"It's a good idea, dude... you let Johanne ordered the food. I'm already hungry. I could eat a whole horse." Mario chuckled who is seated at the back.

"Me too, this traffic is stressing me out... and this rain too," says Zee agreeing, taking a glance at Mario by the rear side mirror and then to Kim who's seated quietly, with arms folded crossed her chest, looking outside the car window.

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