Chapter Nine

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It's the last day of Aom's family visit to LA. Kim enjoyed spending time with her and the family just like her friends did, although it's been quite tiring to walked around under the hot summer sun. It sure has been one of her favorite moments too. It made her forget her loneliness and longing for a short period of time just like before they had gone out to Phuket. She dreads this day would come to end because she knew she'll miss her a lot even more. But as promised, she awed Aom one dinner date with her. Definitely, prepared for it as she thought she had.

Apparently, Kim thought she had forgotten those bottled up feelings for Aom and put their past behind. That was way back before when she enjoyed her life living on the limelight. Being rich and famous. Well, as a matter of fact, she's still rich and well-known architect but not as an actress. Her hardships have paid off well. But she was so wrong. The more that she suppresses the feelings, the more intense it becomes. The more she tried to avoid their closeness, the more the circumstances conspire in their paths. Kim still got those same tingling feelings whenever their skin touch, that same smile that melts her in an instant or just hearing her voice makes her day complete. Either way, those stares caught both of them off guard and those meaningful looks that only themselves knew about. And still craves for those addicting pink luscious lips that tastes like cherry chocolate touching hers. She's still head over heels for Aom. And definitely, she's still into her.

Time is really ticking slowly for Kim until to the time to pick-up Aom for their date. She felt anxious; she'd been sitting behind her desk like forever and was already tired staring all the papers, white prints and floor plans piled on top of the other ready to be reviewed and signed. She slumped her back staring up the ceiling on her swivel chair massaging her temples. She's having that migraine again. She checked on the clock hanged by the wall but it's just past 10 in the morning. She sighed heavily and staring at the clock thinking about random things-like her upcoming date; what would be the best date she could have with Aom. And yet, still got no idea where would she take her tonight. Bothered about the thoughts, she stood up from her chair and raked her fingers through her hair.

'This is just great, Kim. No idea at all. Just Wow!' she scolds herself.

Restless, she walked out of office and went straight to Zee to solicit for a proper pieces of advice. Just like her, Zee's still hooked up and busy checking the revisions of the next project. Well, she thought Zee might have better ideas than her about this kind of stuffs.

She knocked on the open door before entering Zee's office just to acknowledge her presence and check if she's not bothering her at the moment.

"Zee, Can I come in?" she asked just as Zee beamed her gaze to look at Kim confused. Zee scrunched up her face looking at Kim and groaned. She too, have been drowning herself with lots of paper works and drawings to finish as soon as possible.

"Yeah, sure. Why not..." Zee replied and gestured her hand to close the door. She closes the door behind her to have a private little talk with Zee. She knew those looks in her eyes that Kim is in trouble with her ideas again. Well, crappy ideas about dates. And she was right. There's a palpable agitation in her facial expressions. Knowing Kim, she's a very smart and a well-driven person. She works hard for what she wants. But she's is a little slow on this side of track. It's more of a 'Zee thing' when it comes to women. She's a genius.

"Can you spare a minute or two for your li'l cousin here," Kim said and made her way to sit over, slumping her whole body to the small couch facing Zee's desk.

"What's troubling you, dude?" she asked not bothering to even look up at Kim. Her eyes still buried into the piles of papers she's working on. "...just talk, I'm listening," she groaned.

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