Chapter Fourteen

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"Pie..." Kim croaked. Her voice is throaty and dry. She slowly opened her eyes.

Aom startles, all gaped at Kim.

"Hi," Kim whispers.

"Oh, Kim," her voice is choked and at the same time relieved. She squeezed Kim's hand tightly, holding it up against her cheeks. "You came back... I missed you."

"I am, too."

Kim gazed at Aom's weary eyes. She missed her, too. She missed that voice for a long time. She suddenly struggles to move her body but winced in pain. Everything in her body aches. Slowly, she tried to move her arms and luckily, they obliged. She noticed the IV attached to the inside of her arm. Turning her head - the blipping sound annoys her - staring at the machines next to the bedside. Briefly, she observed her surroundings - the white walls and clean, sterile room of the hospital.

"Wait baby, don't move. I'll call the nurse." Aom quickly moved, alarmed and reaches for the buzzer on the bedside.

"Pie... I need to pee..." Kim whispers. Again, she struggles to sit up. Then again, an excruciating pain from her side and lower back made her flinched and momentarily shutting her eyes tightly.

"Let's wait for the nurse, baby. Please, don't move." Aom said, pleading. She strokes her slender fingers raking through Kim's short hair soothing her pain.

"Please," she groaned.

"Oh baby," Aom whisper. Her eyes gleamed with pain and sympathy. She reaches her soft palm caressing Kim's handsomely beautiful face - now pale and lips were dry and cracked. She missed her so much. "You'll get better soon, baby."

Kim nods gazing into Aom's brown orbs. She bit her lower lip.

A nurse buzzed into the room which startles both of them making Aom pulling away from Kim. She must be in her late twenties -young and beautiful. Her deep brown hair tied neatly into a bun letting her face into a clear view.

"Welcome back, Mister-" she paused staring at the couple. Her face turned crimson, embarrassed. "I'm sorry...M- Miss Kimhan." she stutters pulling her gaze from them. "I'll let Dr. Phiangpor know you're awake." She gazed back at Kimhan for a few seconds, as if hypnotized.

"Um, Nurse." Aom snaps. She glares at her.

"Oh," she startles. "My name is Pat. Do you know where you are?"

"Yes. Hospital."

"Do you feel anything -pain?"

"Yes. My side and back are killing me. And, I need to pee." Kim said reaching out and grasping her hand to Pie.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Miss Kimhan. You have your catheter."

Kim glances anxiously at Aom, then back to the nurse.

"I want to use the bathroom." She tried to move her body again but failed.

"Miss Kimhan," Nurse Pat scolds.

"Baby..." Aom warns.

But then again, she struggles to sit up. "You're one big hard-headed baby..." Aom shakes her head in frustration.

"Please..." Kim begs, giving Aom an exasperated look. "And please, take this off me. I can breathe all right as far as I can remember."

Nurse Pat looks at Kim more sternly. Then finally nods defeated, agreeing and taking off the oxygen hose attached to Kim's nose and set it aside.

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