Chapter Thirteen

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"Kim!" Aom shrieked in horror.

"Oh, Kim," she's rooted to the ground as she watch Kim falls freely towards her until Kim sprawled motionlessly on the floor face down. "Oh god, what happened to you?" her tears begun to ooze down her cheeks. Alice hastily runs kneeling right beside Aom.

The airport scrambles frantically as they heard Aom's horrified shriek. The nearest airport guards and attendants posted ran as fast as they could in rescue into their direction. Alice too, was in shocked. Nobody from the crowd has seen how it happened - it happened really fast.

"Call an ambulance, quickly!" Shouts K'Tae. She's been shaking nervously witnessing so much blood gushing from Kim's lower back and side. Her knees trembles.

"Please! Help us." Aom shouts. Her eyes were now blood shot red and drenched in her tears. "Anybody," she's in utter panic.

Suddenly, crowd of on-lookers and other passengers, slowly building up causing traffic around the airport arrival section. Aom is now kneeling on the cold tiled floor crying helplessly. She laid Kim's head over her lap. She pressed the knife wound trying to stop the blood to spew. Kim's crisp white shirt is now drenched in fresh blood. Her pulse is getting weaker. But she tried to cling for her dear life. Her face turned pale, and almost to no blood.

"Baby..." Kim says soft as sputter of blood gush drips from her mouth. "...I'm so sorry,"

"Hush, baby..." Aom cried softly as she gently pressed her index over Kim's lips, hushing her to stop. "Don't die on me, baby." She sobs. "I love you... I'm sorry." Her bloody hands clasped tightly on Kim's hand.

"I... love... you... Pie," Kim says weakly and slowly in between her short breathes. Her eyes are beginning to close. Sleep starts to consume her. She's starting to drift into the blackness.

"Baby...No." Aom brushed her hands over Kim's face.

Then, grumbling voices came nearer, making its way through the crowd.

"Out of the way!"

"Coming through!"

A team of paramedics came running with the gurney.

"Miss Aom, let us handle it from here." A young man in white and red cover-all, a member of the paramedics knelt before her. He checked Kim's neck for possible pulse. Aom has been shaking nervously and crying.

"Please, save her." Aom cries. "Baby, please hold on."

"He still has pulse, but weak."

"We'll do our best, Miss." He glances up at panic-stricken Aom. He glanced back over his shoulder calling for his companions. "Bring the gurney here and fast." Three men and a woman with the same clothing came with the gurney. They slowly lift Kim over the gurney, giving her first aid for her stabbed wound. "Who's coming with the victim?"

"I am," answers Aom.

"Let's move it!"

After strapping Kim into the gurney and giving her first aid, they quickly moved Kim out of the crowded airport with Aom in tow.

"Alice call Air, and meet me at the hospital." She says. Her panic-stricken voice resonates loud. Alice did what she had been told and made her way out of the airport with K'Tae and Picha.

Everything happened in a blink of an eye. It's been almost three hours, Aom paced to and fro in front of the emergency room of the hospital wing waiting for the doctor. She takes glances at the closed door every now and then dropping her gaze at her fidgeting hands hoping for someone to open the door with good news. Still, nurses and doctors scramble on their feet trying to save a single life, hence, trying to stay calm and focused. She could hear rumbling voices from the inside.

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