Chapter Nineteen

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It has been one hell of a day. Awful would be an understatement. I'm so damn tired and my body aches to the core. It's already past seven in the evening when I came back to the office from a client meeting. No one accompany me to the today even Zee. She got lots of work for her to finish too. The lights were all bright and I assume my team is still here at the office. My hands are full with these rolls of papers as I stepped out of the elevator. My phone clutched between my left ear and a bag on the other. I frustratingly closed my office door slamming it behind me and throwing all things on the couch in my office. With a heavy sigh, I threw myself on my chair behind my desk. Can you imagine it? It's been three weeks— three stressful weeks since I came back from Thailand. And every fucking day seems to be the longest days of my entire life. Not to mention, her absence makes it even harder to cope with. It was so frustrating. I was too drained to argue or just talk to anyone. I just don't feel like talking about it, things didn't go the way I planned my day should be. I know, I shouldn't stress out over things I can't change. But it's just damn too exhausting.

First, I spilt my coffee on my suit just this morning on the way to work. I was in a hurry so I just decided to drop-by to a nearest coffee shop to get some coffee and donuts. But with all the luck in the world, some blonde chick bumps into me and accidentally spilt my coffee over my suit. Either her fault or mine, it's all accident. Clumsy, ain't I? And then, I've been caught up in a heavy traffic when I'm only two blocks from the office. I needed to be at the office earlier than usual when an officer flagged me down and gave me a ticket. Just my luck, I got lots of things to prepare for a client meeting. Third, Aom isn't answering any of my calls. I've been trying to reach her all day but no avail. She should be flying here from Bangkok today. It ticked me off. Lastly, Alex came to visit me at the jobsite. And she has been an annoying bitch all day. She can't even shut her mouth for a moment and keeps complaining about the Johnson project. My ears were ringing all day with her blubbering. Everything just piled up and boom! I lost it all. This isn't my lucky day, I guess. Maybe, I just woke up on the wrong side of the bed and tomorrow will be better.

"Hello? Baby, are you still there?"

"Yup," I sighed over the phone receiver, defeated.

"I'm sorry..."

"You should have told me you can't make it. I shouldn't expect you to be here as we planned it."

I frustratingly rubbed my fingers on my throbbing temple which I think I'm having another attack of migraine.

Oh, headache. How on earth did she forget about this meeting? I've been waiting for her to confirm her flight all throughout this week. We have a meeting with the couture and the wedding planner but rather all my calls have been directed to her voice mails. I know I love her to hell and back. But this time, it's getting into my nerves.

"I'm sorry baby, I got lost track of time. I forgot to tell you."

Oh, good Lord. I thought she's excited about the wedding. I knew how hectic her schedule was, but she needs to adjust it a bit for me. It's not just my wedding; it's OUR wedding for God's sake. I've been in the industry once. I'm not that stupid not to know how it works.

"K'Tae booked me all through this month," she explained. This annoyed me more. It angered me.

"Now, I have to make another arrangement all over again." I snarled at her.

"Oh, please, baby...I know you understand," she begs in her pleading voice that weakens me at an instant. She always does this. And I don't know how she does it, but it works all the time. I can't even stay mad at her for minutes when she talks like this. Hell, am I that whipped?

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